
Your Faith Has Made You Whole

Good morning

Scripture reading: Ephesians 3:16-19

Worship song: Tell Your Heart to Beat Again



    Behind every song is an untold story that listeners are often not aware of. Some of these songs are inspired by personal experiences, tragedies, and near-death encounters. I am so moved by the story behind this song that I am compelled to share it with you. "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" is based on a true story told by a pastor from Ohio about a surgeon who performs open-heart surgery on a woman but is unable to restart her heart. There was no surgical complication, but the woman's heart would not restart. The surgeon knelt beside her bed and whispered, we have fixed the issue with your heart, but it won't restart, so tell your heart to beat again. Immediately her heart starts beating on its own. 

    This testimony is a reminder that our great Physician has already healed our brokenness; he has already fixed our problems. What you are waiting on is already done, and you just need to claim it to receive it by faith. Be encouraged; God is in your story. He is your mountain mover, your problem solver, and your great Physician; trust in Him with your whole heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. Your story is far from over, and your journey has just begun, so rise above your circumstances and step into the light of grace. The great Physician is with you, so tell your heart to beat again. 

Let us pray:

    Father, I am grateful for these inspirational songs, which help me meditate upon you and, in the process, shepherd me to facilitate a spiritual dialogue with you. Jehovah Shalom, though my flesh faileth, yet I will trust in you, for I know you are my strength. I will seek you with all my heart, O God, for you are the author and finisher of my faith. Almighty God, the only God I serve and trust, teach me your way that I may rely on your faithfulness. May every personal experience lead me closer to you and build a bond that cannot be broken, because my hope is in you, mighty one. Bless the broken road I have traveled, O God, and point me on my way to you. Give me, O God, an undivided heart that I may fear your name and glorify you. Comfort my feeble mind, O God; cause my heart to beat to the rhythm of your love that I may be filled with the fullness of God through Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Have a blessed day. 💓💕🙏






  1. If our heart does not restart every dream and aspirations dies within us. Create in us a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within us. Blessings.


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