
Thorough cleansing

Good morning

Scripture reading: Psalm 51

Praise song: Washed in the Blood of the Lamb



    It is said that if you keep your vehicle looking new, you will preserve its value and lengthen its durability. When your vehicle is obviously stained with dirt, the only way to get it sparkling clean, shiny, and looking remarkably new is to get to work with your cleaning agents or take it to a car wash attendant. Various cleaning agents are used to wash the vehicle, removing dust, dirt, debris, and contaminants from its interior and exterior, but when humans become filthy, marred by sin, stained within and without, the only cleaning agent available is Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ can cleanse, wash our sins away, and make us white as snow. 

    When we become aware that our garments are defiled by immoralities, stained by the graffiti of sin, only then can we seek to be purified. If you have strayed from the pathway of holiness, if your garment is spotted, your soul is hungry, and you need a thorough cleansing of mind, body, and soul, Jesus will cleanse you. He will not cast you away but restore unto you the joy of salvation. If you willingly confess and repent of your deeds, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive you of all your sins and purify you from all unrighteousness.

Let us pray:

    My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I worship you, Lord, and glorify you with a grateful heart. Almighty God, the all-knowing God, who can see the very interior of our being, I surrender this broken, stained vessel before you, Lord. Father, I require daily cleansing because every day sin presents itself, and sometimes I succumb unknowingly. Almighty God, when I become marred by my sin, cleanse and purge me with hyssop, O God, and remove every corrosive compound that is blocking my spiritual connection with you. Abba Father, cast me not away from your presence, purify my heart, renew my mind, and lead me in the path of holiness and righteousness through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a joyful day. 💕🙏


  1. We travel on dirt road every day. This lends itself to the possibilities of one getting dust and dirt all over. The effort of ridding our lives of sin is a daily effort and requires the aid of the Holy Spirit. Apart from the Holy Spirit one is doomed. One we let the Holy Spirit in, He should not be let out by grieving Him through disobedience and other activities. When He convicts, lead and guide, once one follows Him, we will never go wrong. Peace and joy. 🙏🙏


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