
God's Search Engine

Good morning

Scripture reading: Psalm 139: 23-24
Worship song: Search Me, Lord

    Jehovah God is equipped with a masterpiece search engine that no technologist nor technician will ever implement. He knows us and knows everything that we will do before we are formed in our mother's womb. Knowing that God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent should make us want to please Him in everything we do. The Psalmist David did not want to be influenced nor persuaded by evil persons. David did not like the sinful lifestyle, and neither did he want sin to dwell in his mortal body. He, therefore, pleads for God to search his heart and lead him in the pathway of righteousness and holiness. We, too, need to plead with God to search our hearts in depth. We also need the probing of the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden sins in our lives. We should be willing to resist sin or surrender to God anything we are doing that grieves Him and His Holy Spirit. We should have the willingness to be led in the way of righteousness. Are you willing to give up the things that make you an open target for temptation to sin or do evil? God is watching us.

Let us pray:
    My faithful and loving Father, how excellent is your name in all the earth? We exalt thee, O Lord, for you are worthy to be praised. Heavenly Father, all-knowing, all-powerful God, there is nothing that we can hide from you, my God. O Lord, you have examined our hearts and see and know all that we have done and are about to do even before the thoughts were formulated in our minds. Omnipotent, Omnipresent God, the things we try to hide from men are visible in your sight. O Lord, our lives are an open book before you; there is nothing we can hide from you. Almighty God, you alone know our weaknesses and strengths. You know our beginning and our end, Lord. You know our failures and every sin that easily besets us, and so, Lord, we ask you to search our hearts, cleanse, and purify us from all our infirmities, O God. May your spirit move in our hearts and minds, removing every stain of sin and iniquity. May we draw wisdom and strength from you, O Lord, so that we can shun the appearance of evil and do what is right in thy sight. Father, we thank you for the cleansing power that can wash all our sins away. Almighty God enslaved our hearts with thy matchless love through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 

Have a blessed and peaceful day. 🙏🙏


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