
Showing posts from July, 2024


Facing The Judge

Scripture reading: St. Matthew 6:14-15 Worship song: Mercy Walked In Meditation:  I stood before the judge, head hung low, as charges laid against me were read. Sin stained my garment crimson red. Guilt was written all over my face. My heart was hardened, resulting from the burdens of unconfessed sins. The unwillingness to forgive those who trespassed against me rushes to my memory. I did not lay all my sins at the foot of the cross. I kept them buried deep within me. I could not deny the sins I had committed, and neither did I have valid excuses. I was bound by the shackles of sin. I have failed to surrender all my sins to Jesus Christ and yield to His will. My only response was guilty as charged. After I surrendered and confessed, I was freed from the burden of my past by the judge of compassion, grace, and mercy. Jesus Christ paid the debt for my sins on Calvary's cross, and all that He required of me was to repent, confess, and go and sin no more. Are you bound by the guilt of ...

Our Choices have Consequences

Scripture reading: Genesis 2: 15-17 Worship song: You Still Love Me Meditation: There is only one life we have to live on Earth, and therefore, we need to make wise decisions that will help us navigate our righteous path. Every day, we are required to make choices, whether we want to or not, and the choices we make will determine our destiny. We are given free will choices, and the onus was laid on us to make choices that will be beneficial to our spiritual well-being. Everything we do or say comes from our choices, and our choices determine the standard, value, character, direction, and path to our destiny in life. Most times, we make swift decisions without even considering the impact they will have on our lives or the lives of others. Once a decision has been made and implemented, it is final, and its impact will manifest whether for good or evil. Many people dread making choices because of the fear of failure or making bad choices. We can make choices to accept the Almighty God as ...

The Expiration Date

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Worship Song: Unfinished Task Meditation: The products for consumption are labelled with an expiration date, and we should pay keen attention to these dates before making final purchases. It is best to avoid purchasing food after the date posted on the label. By doing so, we can safeguard ourselves against food poisoning and foodborne bacteria. Apart from the products that we consume, everything else has a shelf life, including appliances, but how long they last depends on the type of appliance and how well it is maintained. Humans also have expiration dates. However, the difference between us and manmade products is that our expiration dates are unknown. We cannot tell when our time will end. Each of us is allotted a different expiration date, and it cannot be altered by man. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Nothing or no one lasts forever; everything has a time limit, an expiration date that will eventually end. ...

Getting Too Comfortable

Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Hymn: The Comforter Has Come Meditation: Being comfortable means to be in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed. There are two ways we can be comfortable: physically and spiritually. We can be physically comfortable because we are in a position where there is no financial lack or terminal illnesses, and our lifestyle pleases us. We can be spiritually comfortable because we are connected to the source that supplies all our needs. Being in a state of comfort depends on who or what makes us comfortable. We can become so comfortable in our sinful state that we do not recognize there is a higher power that governs us. We can be so comfortable basking in our earthly possessions that we do not have time to seek the Lord, our creator. We can become complacent and so overly content with our lifestyle choices that we do not realize that we have wandered from the flock. We can drift so far from God that we do not recognize the pit ...

There Is Hope In God

Scripture reading: Daniel 6 Praise song: He's Able Meditation:  There are many different ways mentioned in Scripture of how God protects his people, and many of us can testify of how the Lord protects us from victimization. The story of Daniel reminds us that God is always in control, though we cannot perceive it. Daniel was chosen by King Darius as the general manager over the princes and the other presidents. This decision, however, did not please the others, and therefore they plot against Daniel. When they found no fault regarding the handling of the estate, they decided to probe deeper into his life to find an occasion against him concerning the law of his God. Daniel was not intimidated by the concocted scheme his enemies had plotted against him. Daniel's enemies desired to dethrone him, but he was not bothered by their plot and scheme because he knew the God whom he served. After the decree was signed, Daniel went to his chamber, and with the windows wide open, he knelt ...

Encountering Rejection

Scripture reading: Isaiah 53 Worship song: I go to the rock   Meditation: Rejection can be painful and harsh, and it can stay with us for a long time. Rejection is a stigma of society that affects most if not all, persons, yet it is something that none of us is ever prepared to deal with. Sad to say, social rejection is prevalent in society and is found even in the house of God. The emotional pain of rejection can leave a permanent scar and alter our mood; it can damage our self-esteem and can also contribute to depression. However, we can find peace and comfort when we seek refuge in the arms of Jesus Christ. If you feel rejected, you are not alone; Jesus Christ, our King and Saviour, encounters the same fate while here on earth. He was abused and rejected by the people whom he served. He brought healing, miracles, redemption, and deliverance to the people, yet they despised and rejected Him. He came to rescue the perishing and care for the dying; he showed us compassion and love,...

Consuming Junk Food

Scripture reading: 1 Timothy 4:1-6 Worship song: Come Holy Spirit I Need You Meditation:   Most of us choose foods based on taste and not what is good for us. We know that some foods are good for us, even if they don't taste great, and we know that some foods taste delicious but are not good for us. Junk foods consumed in excess can increase the risk of obesity, yet it is the fastest-selling food in food chain restaurants. Junk foods lack the nutritional values required for healthy living and often contain a high level of calories and fat, yet many prefer them over a well-balanced meal. Not only do we consume unhealthy foods, but we also feed our minds with spiritual junk foods. What we read, what we watch, and what we absorb into our minds greatly impact us spiritually. Our spiritual health requires meditating and feasting on the word of God, commitment, determination, faith, discipline, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It requires persistence and commitment i...

When You Have Jesus

Scripture reading: Psalm 73:25-26 Worship song: Jesus Is All I Need Meditation:     You can have everything money can buy and have money in excess, yet you are bankrupt in God's eyes. You can have everything for your comfort, yet you are living in misery. You can be well educated, yet you lack wisdom, and you can have qualifications, yet you are not qualified. True riches, comfort, happiness, and peace are not found in our possessions but are found only in Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can restore hope to the hopeless, and set at liberty those who are bound by the shackles of unhappiness. When God gave us Jesus, he gave us everything. All your earthly possessions cannot be compared to the riches in glory that are stored up for you. When you seek Jesus, goodness and mercy will follow you all through your lifetime. When you seek Jesus first and live by his precept and his will, all things will be granted to you, and He will give you the desires of your heart. When you have Jesus...

Engage in Worship Anywhere

Scripture reading: St. John 4:19–26 Praise song: Bow down and worship Meditation: Are you among those who put a cap on where, when, and how you worship? All children of God should be prepared to glorify God anywhere and at any time. Do not wait until you are in a sanctuary to sing praises to God. Create your own worship space. It doesn't matter what you are doing; find time throughout the day to worship God in spirit and truth. Worship starts from within you and creates a revelation on the outside. In sickness, health, wealth, grief, sadness, joy, pleasure, or pain, whatever your state or whatever your circumstance, make an effort to worship your Creator in spirit and truth. It is during worship that you forget about your situation. It is during worship that strongholds are broken and breakthroughs are accomplished. Remember, we are the temple of the living God, so let the praises of our King reside in us wherever we go. We do not need large buildings and crowds to express our grat...

Promises Fulfilled

Scripture reading: Genesis 28 Worship Song: The Promise Meditation:      How often do we experience broken promises? Most often, we are either on the giving or receiving side of a broken promise. When promises are made, it sparks excitement in us as we look forward with anticipation, hoping with great expectation for that which is promised. Some people have genuinely kept their promises. Some have a compassionate heart with the desire to assist and fulfill their promises, but there are others who either forget or never intend to fulfill their promise in the first place. Some people mean well and are genuine, but circumstances hinder them from keeping their promises. Remember, human beings are not perfect and make errors. However, do not be discouraged by this, but be encouraged because we have a promisekeeper who never fails to fulfill all His promises. His name is Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 43, the Lord promises the Israelites that he will be with them always. He assures th...

The Deadly Parasites

 Scripture reading: Romans 6 Praise Song: Wash Me Over Again Meditation:      Mosquitoes, though they are small and look harmless, are considered one of the deadliest blood-sucking parasites and are responsible for over 1 million deaths a year. These tiny insects are responsible for transmitting deadly viruses from an infected person to an uninfected host. Sin is very much like that, as it appears harmless, yet it carries the full venom of Satan's poison. As small as a mosquito is, it leaves its scars on our skin, and so does sin when it invades our hearts; it leaves its mark and a trail of bitterness. Sin, when conceived, leaves us empty and broken, scarred and marred, battered and bruised. Sin and our iniquities separate us from our Heavenly Father. Sin cannot dwell in the presence of a holy God, because God does not tolerate any act of sin. There is only one reward for those who refuse to repent and turn away from sin, and that is everlasting damnation in the lake...