
Bound by Shackles

Scripture reading: St. Mark 5:1-20

Praise song: Shackles Are Broken


    Several years ago, I was summoned by the Court Administration Division (CAD) to serve as a juror. There is nothing to me quite as frightening as seeing prisoners entering the courtroom chained together with shackles on their hands and feet. I knew right then that I would not fulfill the task of serving in this capacity, so I presented my petition to the judge and was excused from serving. Witnessing the state of imprisonment led me to wonder about the shackles that bind us spiritually. I thought of the things we allow to captivate our minds and prevent us from enjoying the freedom and blessings of Almighty God. As you carry out your survey, what is it that you are bound by? Maybe you are shackled by broken dreams, unmet desires, or wrong choices, or maybe it is the emotional shackles that continue to constrict and weigh you down. Maybe you are shackled by sin, by the pressures of life, or by the result of your selfish actions. If you have confined yourself to a point where you no longer socialize or you feel a sense of imprisonment in your own life, Jesus can break through the fetters and the chains and liberate you from that which binds you. Take your burden to Jesus; your burdens He will bear. The assurance of relief from any state that confines you is found in Jesus, the only source of peace and comfort.

Let us pray:
    Merciful, wonderful Saviour, our Redeemer, and friend, I look to you this morning, O God, to deliver us from the emotional shackles that bind us, from the stronghold that captivates our minds and hearts, and from the fetters and the chains that held us hostage. Father, we run to you for refuge, for deliverance and freedom, and we cry unto you, Almighty God, to take away the shackles, anything that controls our mind and hearts, so we can praise you, so we can worship you in spirit and truth. Father, break us free from the stronghold of unclean and deceptive spirits, from the desires of self-seeking satisfaction, and lead us to a place where we are dependent on you, Lord. Almighty God, we ask that you convict our hearts and grant us a renewed mind, a life free from imprisonment, and make a masterpiece out of us in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Have a blessed day.🩷


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