
The Road Is Dangerous

Scripture reading: St. Matt. 7:13-14

Song: I Am Not Going To Hell 


The pedestrians waited patiently to cross the busy highway as vehicles sped along. No one attempts to cross for fear of being hit. As I watched the heavy flow of traffic, my mind drifted to the broad road that has no limitations, no restrictions, and no rules. I stood there visualizing the chaos on the broad road. I imagine the different types of sins that paved the street. I envision the busy street, bustling with activities and crowded with people enjoying the pleasures of sin. There you will find murderers, idolaters, whoremongers, drunkards, adulterers, dictators, the self-righteous, and even some church folks. Proverbs 16:25 states that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Not only is the broad road wide and crowded, but it is deceptive and leads to destruction. Numerous people become victims of eternal death statistics because they have c the chosen the broad road which ultimately leads to eternal separation from God. Don't be a victim of statistics on the broad road. Choose the narrow path that leads to eternal life. Seek God while He is near and change course.

Let us pray:

Jehovah Jireh, I give you thanks for blessing me with wisdom and understanding. Mighty God, may I never choose the broad road that leads to destruction, but choose to enter the narrow gate where there is peace and abundance of life in Christ. Mighty God, I pray that those recruited by Satan to carry out his dirty deeds will realize that he is a deceiver and a destroyer of lives. Abba, Father, I pray they will recognize the plot and scheme of Satan and his cohorts to lead them down the destruction broad road. Mighty God, I pray those on the broad road will one day surrender totally to you. Jehovah God, I pray some stony, hard-hearted persons will submit to your will and surrender completely to you. Mighty God, I pray that many more will seek you and switch to the narrow road where there is peace, joy, love, and eternal life. Break the spirit of deception, Jehovah God, and break the yoke that binds and entraps their hearts, minds, and souls. Jehovah God may the Holy Spirit pierce through the hearts of your people in Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen. 

Have a peaceful day. ✌


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