Warning before Destruction
Scripture reading: 1 Samuels 2
Worship song: Search My Heart
Eli was ordained as the priest to handle the affairs of the church and matters concerning God. However, he had some weaknesses, for he lacks the ability to reprimand his sons; he failed to govern his household and bring them up to fear the Lord. We are reminded in 1 Timothy 3:4-5 that those who are chosen to lead God’s people should be persons that ruled well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. If he fails to rule his own house, he won't be able to monitor the church of God. Don't be alarmed about what is taking place in the churches of God today, for so it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. The sons of Eli manipulate the women in the church, use them, and seduce them. The same trend continues today. Therefore, let us be mindful of our deeds, confess our faults, and turn to God less we be consumed by His wrath. Let us not provoke the Lord our God, for He is a consuming fire. Leaders of the church and followers of Jesus Christ walking contrary to the will of God are to seek urgently to repent and turn from your ungodly deeds. Look to God and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Let us pray:
Sovereign God, the ruler of heaven and earth, I humble bow before thee seeking forgiveness for we have trespassed against thee, O God. Merciful Father, in ignorance, we have sinned against thee, enjoying the pleasures of sin, but God, we come before you with a broken and contrite heart, declaring that we are filthy and need purging. Purge us with hyssop, O God. Cleanse and purify our hearts from every contamination of earthly sinful desires. Father, after you have cleansed us, I pray that we will not return to our own vomit. I pray that the sins we once desired will become distasteful, that we will have no pleasure, no desire for the things we once yearn for. Sovereign God, I pray for the ministers of the gospel, those who are bound by the spirit of sexual immoralities, that you transform their minds and their hearts. Father, deliver them from their self-righteousness and selfish desires; lest they be lifted up with pride, they fall into the condemnation of the devil. Almighty God, deliver those who are held captive by the pleasures of sin. Open their blinded eyes, that they may recognize the sin that separated them from you, O God. I pray, O God, that as we profess our faith in you, we will not live a double life, but our lifestyle will reflect Jesus Christ, our King. Mighty God, keep us anchored in you, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Have a blessed day.🩷
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