Agents of Change
Good morning
Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Hymn: I need thee
If you should die tonight, where would you be? Where would
you spend eternity? As I ruminated on this very provocative question, I thought
of you as much as I thought about myself, my purpose, and the eternal
well-being of my soul. As we move about, enjoying life, we should be mindful of
how we spend our time here on earth, looking forward to the day when we will
become face-to-face with the fuming judge. A day when we will have to give an
account of how we spend the time allotted to us. We have been allowed to make
choices and our choice will determine how we spend eternity. Knowing that the
unrighteous, and those who are ungodly shall not inherit the Kingdom of God
should stir our conscience and gear us toward changing our lifestyle so we are
not left out of God's Kingdom. Change is inevitable, and therefore, if any man
is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has passed, and the new has come.
If you desire to spend eternity with Jesus Christ and bask in his glory, you
must be born again, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. You must
acknowledge and confess your sins, change your lifestyle, and conform to the
will and commands of God. To be an agent of change means our lifestyle is
different, our mind is transformed, and we no longer conform to the things of
this world.
Merciful, wonder Saviour, blessed redeemer, and friend, I magnify and glorify you, my King. Everlasting Father, I yearn for you in a dry and thirsty land. Father, I will forever chase after you until my weary soul is satisfied. Almighty God, I am chasing after you, nothing in my hands I bring but simple to your cross I cling, O God, please accept my life as a living sacrifice, mighty God. Abba Father, there comes a time in life when we have to do an in-depth self-examination, when we have to examine our heart and ravage through our mind to determine where our heart lies. Father, there is no place I would rather be than to be safely secured under the wings of my Saviour. Hold me, Mighty God, in the palm of your hands, and do not let me wander from thee. Lord, I lay down all my weaknesses before you and yield completely to you, O God. Almighty God, change what needs to be changed in me, uproot that which needs to be uprooted, bind what needs to be bound, and lose what needs to be loose. Empty and purify me, mighty God, of anything that will hinder me from living a life that is acceptable in your sight. Father, draw me closer to you and keep me as the apple of thine eyes because I desire to follow the path that leads to everlasting life. I beseech thee, mighty God to rescue my loved ones, family, friends, those whom I have encountered, and those going down the wrong path. Rescue our souls from the pit of hell, guard our hearts, and guide us to you, mighty God. As we surrender to you, mighty God, save us from the fatal and final judgment that awaits us, save us from the state of endless woes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
Have a great day. Shalom. 💖🙏
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