
Can You Find a Substitute?

Good morning

Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

Worship song: There Is None Like You



    Substitute, according to the dictionary, is a person or thing acting or serving in place of another. In the game of sports, there are always selected, qualified players on standby to replace a team member in case of injury or inability to function as required. When you think of education, there are substitute teachers ready to teach when the regular teacher is unavailable. When it comes to the body of Christ, there is a substitute pastor prepared to fill the void and deliver the message if the bishop of the household is unavoidably absent or requires help. In the twinkling of an eye, one who falters is replaced by another because life goes on, and the work must continue. There is always a substitute ready to fill the void whenever the need arises. Abraham, upon the profession of his faithfulness to God, was given a ram caught in the thicket to substitute for the life of his son Isaac. Jesus came from heaven as the gift of the Father for the express purpose of working out redemption as our substitute by doing for us what we could not possibly do for ourselves. Substitutes are always available, and every substitute has a purpose, but the most significant substitute that ever took place was Jesus Christ's irreplaceable sacrificial offering on Calvary's cross for the remission of our sins. God has provided the ultimate sacrifice that will not just cover our sins but cancel them. Jesus Christ is our substitute, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Unlike other persons who were accepted as substitutes, Jesus Christ was wounded, afflicted, oppressed, chastised, and rejected even though he was offering himself freely for our transgressions for the sole purpose of granting us eternal life. Every other profession has a person readily available as a substitute, but Jesus Christ has no substitute available; he is irreplaceable; none can take his place.

 Let us pray:

    Most righteous Eternal Father God, clothed in majesty, I worship you, for there is none like you or above you. Lord, you are God all by yourself, matchless in power and splendor. I exalt you, Heavenly Father, for your mighty work among men. Lord, I rise to give you thanks for your unwavering love, tender mercies, and compassion for us, and most of all, your sacrificial offering for the remission of our sins. Father, my soul cries out to you when I think of your goodness, your faithfulness to mankind, and all you have done for us despite our rebelliousness, stiff-neckedness, and disobedience. Lord, I am grateful to you and give you thanks for not giving up on us when we have turned our backs against you. Father, as you examine the state of our heart this morning and as we do individual internal self-examination of the state of our mind and heart, we ask you, Almighty God, to cleanse, purify, and wash us thoroughly of every sin stain as we confess and repent in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. 

                                         Have a wonderful day. Keep safe. 💗🙏


  1. Oh yes Lord there is none like u ,let us examine our self see where we have mess up...thank u for your grace and mercy which u extend to us daily ...Amen


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