The Significance of His Blood
Good morning
Scripture reading: Romans 5:1-11
Worship Song: Washed in the blood
One of my favorite telecast movies was The Crucifixion. Watching The Crucifixion every Easter as a child was my greatest delight, though I did not fully understand what it meant. Learning the significance of the death, burial, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ impacted my life immensely. As I grew older, I came to realize that the shed blood of Jesus Christ is not something we should take lightly. Jehovah God is always trying to get our undivided attention, to free us from the bondage of sin, and to redeem us from our detainer. Jesus Christ desires to bring us to a place where we can acknowledge Him as our Creator and King. In Jesus Christ, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Jesus Christ took upon himself the punishment for our sins and iniquities so we could be forgiven. While we deserve death because of our sins, Jesus’ sacrifice makes heaven our eternal destination. The limitless, matchless love of Jesus Christ towards us is evident in the sacrificial offering of Himself on Calvary's cross. His death was in exchange for our freedom. He purchased our redemption, and therefore, we are no longer slaves to sin but liberated from death to life eternal. The wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life and is given freely to those who accept and receive his son, Jesus Christ, as their Saviour and Lord.
Let us pray:
O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, it is a great honor to be
able to dial your royal telephone. Sovereign God, When I think of your
sacrificial offering, how you died a cruel death for my sins to rescue me from
the perils of darkness and to redeem my life from the pit of hell, I cannot
help but praise you. Almighty God, you deserve my undivided attention; you
deserve glory and honor, O God. Father, you deserve my best offering, and so,
God, with my whole heart, I worship you; with my whole heart, I magnify you.
Take my heart, O God, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Lord, I will
glorify you whether I am at work or play; be the center of my life. Almighty
God, I am grateful that I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, free from the
bondage of sin and the wrath of God. Father, I am grateful that I have found
favor in thy sight. Lord, only your blood would make a dying sinner like me
holy, so Lord, please wash and purify me in the blood of the Lamb until I
surrender completely to you, O God. Touch me again, Lord, until my life is
completely transformed by the renewing of my mind through Jesus Christ, the
spotless redeeming Lamb. Amen.
Have a peaceful and blessed day. Be safe. ✌💕
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