
When Faith is Exemplified

Good morning

Scripture reading: Proverbs 3:5-6

Worship song: Trust in The Lord


    We put our trust in a pilot, someone we know nothing about, and we put our trust in drivers, yet we don't know how capable they are to maneuver the vehicle. Consider the person who sails the ship; we trust him to navigate us where we need to go, and we believe he is experienced and capable of handling any situation as we make our way to our destination, yet we fail to trust the God who controls everything. How is it that we trust a total stranger to take us through storms in the air, on land, or at sea, yet we find it hard to trust God, who controls the wind and the storm? We fail to trust God, the one who made heaven and earth with his great power and stretched-out arm, who assures us there is nothing too hard for him to do. We can trust the person behind the wheel; surely, we can put our faith and trust in the God who forms us in our mother's womb. Surely, we can trust the Lord our God, who rules the nations and fights our enemies on our behalf. We can trust the Lord God, who raised the dead, healed the sick, and caused the blind to see and the lame to walk. Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, faintest not, neither is weary? When your life is spiraling out of control, put your trust in the unshakable God who controls all things. Put your trust in the hand of the only God who can calm the raging sea, who can turn your life around, and watch the impossible become possible. 

 Let us pray:

    Everlasting Father, which doeth great and unsearchable; marvelous things without number, I exalt you, Lord, because you are worthy to be praised. Lord, there is none that I would rather trust than you, O God, the one who knows all our struggles, who can take us through life difficult moments, capable of healing every disease, wounded hearts, and the raging sea. Almighty God, I place my trust in you and rely totally on you to carry us through the wilderness experiences, heal every hurt, right every wrong, and protect us from every attack of the evil one. Lord God, I trust and believe that you will keep us safe and secure. Almighty God, who sits upon the flood, who reigned King forever, clothed us, Lord, in your righteousness, and please help us remain still, knowing that you are God Almighty, powerful, and mighty to pull down strongholds. Sovereign God, all our lives, you have been faithful to us, and so, Lord, we lay down our lives as we surrender all to you, trusting you to carry us through the life maze in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Trust God and be at peace. ✌💕


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