Consistency is Required
Good morning
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15:58
Worship song: My worship
Consistency is the steadfast adherence to the same
principles, course, form, etc. or always behaving in the same manner. It is perceived
as the ability to sustain continuous effort despite external forces. For
example, for athletes to be successful in accomplishing their goals, every
drill, sprint, exercise, and practice is tailored to individual needs to
maximize efficiency, increase speed, and improve strength. They train
vigorously and consistently to maintain fitness and shape. As children of God,
we must obtain a standard, a disciplined mindset, and a desire for consistency.
Like athletes, Christians must show a level of perseverance and consistency in
worship, prayer, and the word, as well as fellowship, and be steadfast,
unmovable, and always abounding in the work of God. Consistency and commitment
lead to spiritual growth. Be constant in prayer, worship, and reading the word
of God, and be faithful to God, serving with a sincere heart. When we serve
God, he will reward us for our faithfulness.
Spirit of the living God, consume me with the fire of your
love and strengthen me in the areas where I am weak. Mighty God, I thirst after
your righteousness and holiness, but at times I falter. Lord, I want to be
constantly connected with you through the spiritual exercise of prayer, but at
times I neglect to pray. Sometimes, I find myself drifting into an unconscious
state of inconsistency, but I believe, O Lord, your power and abilities will
control the external or internal force that prevents me from being consistent
in worship, prayer, and praise. Please help me to overcome every obstacle that
prevents total commitment and dedication to your will, your service, and
serving you. Mighty God, I crave to be as persistent and consistent as Daniel,
who dedicated time to pray without fear of my enemy's plot. Merciful Father, I
give you thanks for your divine intervention as I surrender my weaknesses
through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Shabbat Shalom. 💗🙏
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