
Peradventure We Have Sinned

Good morning

Scripture reading: Job 1:4-5

Worship song: Talking to Jesus



    Job was an upstanding citizen in the land of Uz, perfect and just in the sight of God and man. He had a wonderful relationship with God and was respected by members of his community. Judging from his character and lifestyle, he was the perfect role model for parents and children, especially fathers. Job's concern for the well-being of his children and their relationship with God led him to pray for them without ceasing. After the festive celebration hosted by his sons, Job called all his children and sanctified them. He also ensured that he offered unto the Lord sacrifices of burnt offerings for each child just in case they had sinned against God. Job made it a point of his duty to go boldly unto the throne of grace early in the morning that he may obtain mercy for all his children. Like Job, we too need to intercede for our children, lest they be consumed by the evil of this world, lest Satan sift them as wheat, lest they be cut down by the sword. Though they are responsible for their sin, our desperate and constant prayer for their soul can make a difference. 

Let us pray:

    Sovereign God, with my hands lifted and my mouth filled with praise, I worship and adore you this morning. Father, we give thee thanks, O God, that we do not have to sacrifice burnt offerings nor sin offerings each time we sin. We are grateful, O Lord, for the opportunity granted unto us to enter the throne room of grace where pardon is freely granted. Heavenly Father, we repent and confess that we have failed to serve you. Please pardon our iniquities, blot out our transgressions, and cleanse us from all our sins, O God. We repent, O God, in case our lifestyle does not reflect holiness and righteousness. Heavenly Father, I intercede on behalf of our children and pray that you will extend your mercy towards them, peradventure they have sinned against you. Hide them under the cross, O God; guide, protect, and deliver them from the snare of the fowler and the noisome pestilence in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen. (Child of the King).

Have a wonderful day. Shalom. 💕🙏






  1. Amen in the name of Jesus we ask. Peace and love to all keep on loving and praying 🙏🏾🙏🏾💕❤️


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