
The Danger of Rebellion

Good morning

Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 15:10-23

Worship song: Trust and Obey



    A person who is described as rebellious is unwilling to obey rules or follow generally accepted standards of behavior. Saul found himself in that state when he disobeyed the Lord's instruction. He was a good ruler, but when he walked out of the will of God to pursue his own agenda, he failed. Samuel the prophet was sent to speak to Saul about his refusal to obey the voice of the Lord and his failure to carry out specific instructions. Samuel described rebellion against God as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry. Witchcraft and iniquities are works of the flesh, and they that do such will not inherit the kingdom of God. Saul rejected God, and God, in turn, rejected him as ruler over Israel. 

    Rebellion always results in division; whether a nation, a workplace, or a family, it will separate and divide relationships. Rebellion is one of the common responses to brokenness, and we need to make certain that we do not rebel but trust God to lead us. If we reject God, he will reject us. Like Saul, the way we chose seems right unto us, but the end thereof will result in eternal death. Do not allow your iniquities and sin to cause a division between you and God. Your sins will cause him to hide his face from you, and then he will not hear.

Let us pray:

    Omnipotent, omnipresent God, you know my thoughts, my ways, and my actions; there is nothing hidden that you cannot see. You are the judge of the secrets of the hearts of men, O God, and I know I stand accused in your presence this morning because I have failed many times to obey your commands. As I examined myself through the spoken words of the scripture, I knew that I was no different from Saul. Lord God, in my weakest hour when I am struggling with the dominant power of the flesh, allow me to overcome temptation. Please strengthen me so that I do not sin against you, Lord. Almighty God, I am determined to walk according to your precepts and your commands, which can only be accomplished through Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Lord, as I cling to you, lead me lest I fall and fail you. Guide me, great Jehovah, through this pilgrim land in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a blessed day. 💕🙏


  1. It is inevitable to succeed if one doesn't obey the voice of God through the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord said to Paul, it is hard to kick against the pricks. These were sharp objects that help to contain and control the animals. Disobeying the voice of God result in consequences. One must endeavor to obey, even though He forgive our short comings, one must stay close to Him so one doe's not fall apart. Everyone must strengthen themselves against the cunning devices of the evil one. Each time there is a breach of any kind, one must run back quickly to be rescued by the Lord. Let us all stay strong because this fight with the spirit and the flesh will not be over until the Lord put in His appearance. Walk good. Blessings.


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