
The Feeling of Loneliness

Good morning

Scripture reading: Isaiah 41:9-10

Worship song: I am not alone


    There are several different definitions describing loneliness, but it is said that loneliness is a state of mind. It causes people to feel empty, forsaken, and unwanted. One of the frequently used definitions that most persons can attest to is the state of mind linked to wanting human contact but feeling alone. Have you ever wondered why you are in a room with all your friends or family, etc., and still feel lonely? It is because there is a void that mere humans cannot fill. All of us, at some point in our lives, struggle to cope with the feeling of solitude. There is a feeling of loneliness that spouses, loved ones, families, or friends cannot replenish. We can have everything for our comfort and still feel lonely. There is an inner feeling of loneliness that will not go away by gaining riches, fame, or fortune, or accumulating earthly possessions. Many have tried to fill the void of loneliness through the use of drugs, alcohol, work, relationships, entertainment, friends, etc., yet they still feel empty. The physical man can be filled with physical cravings, but a spiritual hunger can only be filled through spiritual accessibility. 

    If you try everything to drown loneliness, and you still feel lonely, it is because Jesus Christ is absent from your life. Only Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, the comforter, can fill the void and conquer the feeling of loneliness. The Lord so desired a relationship with us that he sent his son to call us away from our lusty desires and shame to bridge the gap of separation. The Holy Spirit dwells within each of us but can only be activated when we allow Jesus Christ to access all ports of entry. The Holy Spirit will comfort and be with us forever as promised by Jesus Christ.

Let us pray:

    Abba Father, I surrender loneliness, emptiness, and purposelessness unto you, O God. I give you authority over my heart, mind, body, and soul, my God. All power is given unto you, Jehovah God, and I trust you to impact my spiritual growth in a way that will enhance your kingdom. Lord, I beseech you to empty us and fill us with inner peace and contentment. Where there is any void, whether spiritual or physical, fill us with divine power. Breathe on us, Holy Spirit until our will is lost in thee. Almighty God, in difficult moments, when we feel isolated, when we have no one to turn to, comfort our hearts, and be with us, O God. Mighty God, I give thee thanks for your comforting words of assurance, and I trust in and believe all your promises. Mighty God, thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

God's favor be extended to you all. Shalom. ✌💗




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