
Can't be Canceled or Rescheduled

Good morning

Scripture reading: Hebrews 9: 27-28

Worship song: Death Was Arrested



    An appointment is a formal date or plan to meet at a specified time. The type of appointment depends on the purpose of the meeting. Not all scheduled appointments are kept; some are canceled, while some are postponed, and this depends on the nature or urgency of the matter. Scheduling an appointment helps us to keep our commitments, but there are those persons who sometimes reschedule appointments for their convenience. Nevertheless, there is an appointment that all of us must keep, and it is with DEATH. We are all appointed once to die, but after death comes the judgment. There is no exception and no exemption. We cannot reschedule, cancel, or ignore it because we do not have dominion power over its existence.  

   Death is no respecter of persons; be prepared and ready, for there is no repentance and confession in the grave. Do not fear; we can receive victory over death when we repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord. Do not procrastinate because you do not know your appointment schedule with death. This is the opportune time to make it while grace abounds, and the blood is still running warm in your veins. Behold, Jesus stands at the door and knocks. If anyone hears his voice and opens the door to their heart, he will come in and dwell forever. (Revelation 3:20)

Let us pray:

    Almighty God of all comfort, I exalt you as my King, the only wise God who is in control of the heavens and the earth. Lord God, you know our beginning and end; you have the key to hell and death; you alone know our appointed cut-off time. I pray, Lord God, that our souls will be rooted and grounded, anchored in you always, and that we will not sway to the left nor to the right but focus on you, the author and finisher of our faith. God of compassion, I pray that we will make our calling and election sure because we know not when the death angels will visit us. May we, O God, make use of the privilege you have granted to redeem us from the path of destruction and access salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you. 💕🙏






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