
Whose Team Are You On?

Good morning. 

Scripture: Galatians 3:23-29

Worship song: Give Me Jesus



    A team can be referred to as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. Once a team is established, whether in a work setting or the sporting arena, etc., all members are expected to play their role effectively. A netball team is a great example of a team working together to accomplish their goal. It is the responsibility of players to train viciously to ensure victory over the opposing team. 

    As Christians, we should also strive to accomplish our goals and defeat our opponents by focusing on our requirements. We should be alert, vigilant, and sober and never let down our guard because the adversary is the wing defense player. At no time should we give the opposing team access to defeat and conquer us. 

    As children of God, we have been allowed to represent God, and therefore we need to live our lives in a way that honors God so others will know which team we represent. Paul, while speaking to the brethren, advised them to be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment. In other words, whatever you are doing, do it with one accord as representatives of Jesus Christ, with the desire to accomplish the same goal. Nothing is lacking on God's team, for He had given us the resources required to equip us for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and the edifying of the body of Christ. Whose team are you on? 

Let us pray:

    Father, I am grateful to you for establishing a team for the believers in Christ to serve you wholeheartedly. Father, I pray that as we avail ourselves to be used by you, you will prepare us spiritually and mentally to glorify and honor you. Jehovah God, as your chosen generation and royal priesthood, I pray that we will join together as brethren and that you will equip us to work together in unity, with one accord, for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ. Father, we rejoice in you forgiving us the precious gift of eternal life and the wondrous grace that rescued us from sin. Father, O Heavenly Father, may all of us who choose to follow Jesus Christ remain steadfast and focused, and may our lifestyle reflect who we are and who we are called to represent in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a peaceful day. Keep safe. ✌💕🙏




  1. He is all we ever need. Considering what matters in this life and beyond. We must have Him here before we go from here because we cannot expect to have Him there if we did not have Him here. He is the reason for living and the source of our survival. Without Him we are ony existing. Real life begins when we have a relationship with Him. Saviour more than life to us, let us cling more closer to Him.

  2. Bind me closer to you, Lord God.


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