You Shall Be Free Indeed
Good morning
Scripture reading: St. John 8:31-36
Worship song: I'm Free
Isaiah, the messianic prophet, prophesied that the spirit of the Lord would be upon him who would be anointed to preach to the meek, proclaim freedom to the captives, and liberate those who are bound in prisons. The proclamation of the prophecy of Isaiah was declared fulfilled by Jesus Christ immediately after he read the scripture recorded in Isa. 61 to the Nazarenes (St. Luke 4:18-21). Jesus revealed to them that he was the Messiah, the one who came to deliver and rescue his people from bondage and the oppression of sin. Jesus came robed in flesh, not tarnished with sin or filled with blemish, but as the spotless lamb of God, holy and righteous, to redeem us from Satan's captivity.
Through Jesus Christ, all sinners are granted the same privilege to
receive redemption and freedom from sin's dominion power. To be freed and have
the peace of God, you need to look to Jesus Christ, confess, repent, and
reconcile with him for the remission of your sin. When you are emancipated from
the slavery of sin, stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath
made you free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage, for if the
Son, therefore, makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Merciful Savior, my God, and deliverer, I glorify you for
your unmerited love and your redemption power. My God and my Father, only you
have I sinned against, and only you can redeem me from the dominion power of
sin, so I beseech you, Lord, to help me stand fast in the liberty wherewith
Christ hath made me free. I give you thanks, O God, for sending your son Jesus
Christ for the remission of our sins. Almighty God, I am grateful to you
because through you we are granted the privilege of redemption from the
dominion power of sin. Lord, I give you thanks for your grace, which is greater
than our sins, and I am grateful to you because I am no longer bound as a slave
to sin but bound to righteousness through Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord God,
for you have sacrificed yourself for the benefit of restoring the
brokenhearted, delivering the captives, and giving freedom to all who seek to
be loose from the dominion power of sin. Thank you, Almighty God, through Jesus
Christ, for your grace, which is greater than our sins. Amen.
Have a blessed day. Keep safe. 👏💕🙏
We are no longer a slave to sin. No one should willing subject themselves to sin thou it happens every day because of the temporary sweetness it affords while giving no consideration to it's consequences. Let us stop for a while and look back. We were sinking deep in sin, far from the shores of freedom but when we realize we cried out for help and was rescued. Thank God for attending to everyone cries. Here we are today singing the songs of freedom, no more chains holding us. Let us enjoy the freedom from sin. That is the atmosphere of peace. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us seek to be free.