
The Driver's Seat

Good morning 

Scripture Reading: Matt 16:24-28

Worship Song: Highway To Heaven



    I watched nervously as the driver of a red Ferrari SUV car repeatedly swerved in and out of lanes as he tried desperately to maneuver the vehicle and narrowly escaped an accident. Despite the almost tragic mishap, the driver did not check his speed but continued swerving in and out of lanes until he found a clear path. Reflecting on what unfolded before my eyes brings me to ask some very significant questions. Are you skipping lanes, swerving from the narrow road to the broad road? Have you swerved and ended on the path that leads to death, or are you on the path that leads to salvation? Who is chauffeuring you? 

    We all need a chauffeur to help us navigate the challenges we encounter in life, the hardships, the trials, disappointments, and tribulations, as well as keep us on the right path. To stay on the narrow path, we must allow Jesus Christ to direct us. We must willingly crucify the flesh, turn away from the pleasures of this world, allow God to order our steps, agree to follow Christ, and be ready to accept and live according to his will. We all need a chauffeur to help us navigate life's difficult pathways. We need someone who knows the right route. Let Jesus Christ be your driver; let him sit at the seat of control to direct your path, lead you, fulfill his purpose in you, and take you on the highway that leads to your destination. 

    There are two roads before you, the broad road that leads to destruction with Satan as the driver and the narrow road that leads to life everlasting with Jesus Christ as the chauffeur. I hope you choose the narrow road.

Let us pray:

    Father, I am grateful, and I will forever praise you for intervening in my life at the time I needed someone to take the wheel. Faithful Father, the God who sits at the seat of control, I am grateful to you, O Lord, for through the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ we are granted the privilege to be chauffeured along life's narrow road. Savior Divine, redeemer, and friend, I give you thanks, O Lord, for all the fiery darts of the enemy that you have blocked, for collisions that you have prevented, and for the obstacles you have removed. Father, I pray those who are in the valley of decision will come to the realization that you are the only chauffeur who knows the route, and the only one who brings salvation to the lost. Lord, I pray that you will redirect the path of the weary travelers, order their steps in your word, O God, and pilot them on the highway to salvation. Lord, I pray that while we are on the narrow road, we will not grow weary but remain patient, steadfast, focused, and enjoy the ride in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Have a joyful day. Be safe. 💕🙏


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