Not Without Reservations
Scripture reading: St. John 14:1-6
Praise song: Jerusalem
When you think about hotels, airlines, cruises, fine dining
at restaurants, etc., making reservations comes to mind, right? To experience
the services offered by these establishments and to be accommodated, you will
need to book a reservation because, without it, you do not stand a chance.
Every day calls are received from various persons requesting reservations with
the desire to experience the ambiance and the services offered by these
hospitality industries. Nonetheless, there is another reservation that many
overlook and are not keen to book, and it is the open and available reservation
with Jesus Christ. All of us can partake of and fully enjoy this service, which
is offered freely to those who are willing to surrender to Him. We all need to
book our reservation and accept the invitation offered by Jesus Christ so our
names can be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Regrettably, if you don’t
reserve and confirm your reservation with Jesus Christ to meet Him in the Holy
City, New Jerusalem, you cannot enter. There are only two places to accommodate
us at the end of our life journey: heaven and hell. Every individual has the
right to choose, but I implore you to make the right decision. Choose Jesus
Christ and don't be left behind.
Let us pray:
My faithful Father, most Holy One, I am grateful for your word of wisdom and the reminder that based on our choices and who we obey, be it Almighty God or the devil and his cohorts, will determine where we are going to spend eternity. Father, please swing wide the gates of heaven and bid us to enter, for our desire is to be numbered among the chosen, O God. Almighty God, I am determined to follow the path that leads to eternal life, and I have already booked my reservation and need your strength and grace, Lord, to help me along life's journey. Father, I choose to follow your directives, but without your sustaining grace and mercy to keep me steadfast and unmovable, I will not make it. Almighty God, help me to live a clean and pure life, holy and acceptable in your sight. Merciful, Faithful Father, rid me of selfish and earthly desires so I can have more of you and less of me. Father, may I forever live in your presence while feasting at your table in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, my deliverer. Amen.
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