
The Hell Experience

 Scripture reading: Romans 12:16-21

Praise song: Give me your peace 


    In the year 2021, I had a vision where I died and went to hell. In the pitch blackness, there was a little glimmer of light as if I were directed by someone. While there, it was revealed to me that I needed to forgive a particular person who had hurt me several years before. My response was that I had already forgiven the person; the person who I could not see let me know that I had not been forgiven by the debtor. I thought and pondered about the vision for several months but soon forgot about it. As fate would have it, in 2022, I received a call from the individual, and our lengthy conversation led us down the path of the past. I never knew until then that I had so much bottled up inside. Shocked by the outpouring from a wounded heart, the person asked for forgiveness, and the burden of my heart was immediately lifted. God will allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden sins—the ones you are not aware exist, the ones you are buried deep within—because He wants to thoroughly purify, cleanse, and set you free. To be thoroughly cleansed and washed in the blood of the lamb, you must first be willing to let go of the things that hurt you the most. Willing to forgive those who have caused you grief and pain and allow the healing process to take place. It is only then that you will begin to experience the peace of God. To forgive someone does not mean you condone what they did, nor is it excusing what they did to you. It is coming to terms with the fact that for you to be forgiven of your sins and trespasses by Jesus Christ, you must first forgive those who trespassed against you. Forgiveness is freeing your heart and mind by releasing yourself from the bondage of unforgiveness. To forgive means you are at peace with yourself and those who hurt you. Forgiveness is a process where you decide not to allow your thoughts, your spirit, and your life to be consumed with resentment and bitterness. Is there someone who did something to you that you just cannot forgive or even imagine wanting to forgive? For your benefit, it is time to let it go. For your own freedom and inner peace, develop the art of forgiving and letting the peace of God consume your heart and mind.

Let us pray:

    Thou, O Lord, who remained forever, from generation to generation, I praise, magnify, and exalt you, my King, for you are our great High Priest. I give thee thanks, O God, for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit that guides us to make decisions and protects us from physical and spiritual danger. Almighty God, my Deliverer, and Redeemer, I give you thanks, O God, for the Holy Spirit, which is the driving force that knocks at our conscience whenever we step out of bounds. Father, to forgive those who hurt or wronged us is not easy, so I asked Almighty God that you grant us the willpower to forgive others as we expect to be forgiven. Father, please cleanse us of the bitterness we welled up inside our hearts. Holy Spirit, help us overcome the hurt and pain caused by others and free us of all bitterness, revenge, and anger. Teach us, O God, how to lay down our rights and choose to forgive in the same way You have forgiven us. Guard our hearts, O God, when old emotions threaten to surface. Father, strip our hearts of anger and unforgiveness and replace them with your peace through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Have a great day. 🩷


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