
Storing up Treasure

Scripture reading: St. Luke 12:16-21

Worship song: Jesus, my treasure


The parable of the rich man is a very intriguing story, one that we should give close and thoughtful attention to every detail. The rich man lived a luxurious life, had more than he could manage, and planned to build new barns to store his earthly treasures to sustain him for many years. His plan was to live a comfortable life, cherish his possessions, and enjoy the fruits of his labour. He was not concerned about his life because he had all he needed to maintain his lifestyle. He was not concerned about the well-being of his soul either, for his heart was focused on his earthly treasures. Like many these days, the get-rich-quick mentality has driven them far from God. We find many today flaunting their wealth, but be not deceived because earthly gain cannot secure you a place in God's kingdom. Solomon had more wealth than any man ever had, yet he confessed that all was just vanity and vexation of spirit. You can own the whole world, but if you do not have Jesus Christ, you are lost. It profits us nothing if we gain the whole world and lose our soul. No matter what you gain, ensure you seek Jesus Christ as the head of your life, for without him all you have will be counted as vanity. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

Let's pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, creator of heaven and earth, I exalt thee, O Lord, for there is none as great as you. I magnify and worship you, for you are worthy to be praised. Almighty God, I have a burning desire to seek you with all my heart, to give you full access to my heart, mind, and soul. Gracious God, I want to acquaint myself with whatever is holy and righteous. Lead me, O God, and never let me stray from the pathway that leads to you. Father, I pray, O God, that whatever earthly possessions we have gained or will gain will not become a stumbling block or hindrance to our salvation. Father, I pray we will not become too attached to the things of this earth, but that we will focus our attention solely on you, O God. Almighty God, may we now take this opportunity to renounce the earthly things that we cherish, the earthly treasures we hold dear to our hearts, to focus on you and you alone, O God. Father, I offer unto you the things we treasure in our hearts; if they are unworthy, I pray, O God, that you will sanctify and purify our hearts and make them count as worthy in thy sight. Father, bind our hearts and stir in us the desire to thirst after you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. 

Have a joyful day. Keep Safe. 🩷


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