Settle Your Account
Good morning
Scripture reading: Matthew 18:21-35
Hymn: The Old Account
Jesus, in speaking to one of His disciples, explained to him
the importance and merit of forgiveness. Jesus used the scenario of the king
and the debtor to refer to kingdom expectation as it relates to forgiveness.
The debtor and his household were to be sold to cover the debt he owed the
king, but after much pleading and persuasion, the king had compassion on him
and granted him additional time to clear his arrears. Being pardoned of his
debt, he went on his merry way, rejoicing. Though the debtor received his
request for a pardon from his master, his heart was hardened against those who
were indebted to him. He refused to negotiate with his debtor and instead
rendered unto him evil rather than kindness. This ought not to be so, for those
who expect to be forgiven of their trespasses must likewise forgive those who
trespass against them. If we forgive not our debtors, neither will our heavenly
Father forgive us. The measure you give will be the measure you receive. If you
forgive others, you will be forgiven of your sins. Our King and Lord expect us
to forgive others, just as we expect Him to forgive us. If we refuse to forgive
our debtors for trespassing against us, our heavenly Father will not forgive us
when we trespass against Him. We must first reconcile with our brothers before
bringing our gifts to the altar because the Lord will not receive oblation from
a hardened bitter heart.
Everlasting Father, King of all kings and Lord of all lords, I am grateful to you, Almighty God, for you have blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us and took it upon yourself, nailing it to the cross of Calvary. Almighty God, being dead in our trespasses and sin, drowning in our impurities and immoralities, you took on flesh and dwelled among us, conquering that which deserves death so we can have everlasting life. For this cause, we are indebted to you, mighty God, and thereby surrender completely to you. Father, I pray we find it in our hearts to willingly forgive those who trespassed against us as we seek your forgiveness when we trespassed against you. Father, remove our stony hearts and give us forgiving hearts of compassion, kindness, and love in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Have a wonderful day. 💞🙏
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