
The Thief of opportunities

Good morning

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:3-7

Worship song: I Have Decided



    Making decisions is most likely the hardest thing to do. Most times we hesitate or ignore making decisions, which in turn causes us to lose out on valuable opportunities. When confronted with choices, everyone faces decision phobia at times. Farmers will hesitate to sow because their eyes are focused on the clouds. People may hesitate to move forward because of the fear of loss, making wrong choices, as well as the fear of failure. He who observed the wind will not sow, and he who is fearful cannot make the right decisions. Do not allow indecision to control your life and rob you of opportunities, happiness, and growth. 

    Whatever opportunities are available, review your options and select the best choice possible. However, there is one decision that should not be hampered by fear or influenced by negativity, and that is the decision to follow Jesus Christ and live by His commands and precepts. The opportunities of choosing Jesus Christ have everlasting benefits that cannot be altered or reversed by human beings or any gods. Move forward with confidence in God, serve Him, and trust His plan. 

Let us pray:

    Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent God, I give thee thanks, O God, for your grace and tender mercies. Lord, at times we are faced with uncertainties in decision-making. We want to choose but are afraid to fail or make choices that will jeopardize our future. God, just as it is hard to tell if the sun will shine during the day, is the same challenge we are faced with to make decisions of which we don't know what the outcome will be. We pray, O God, that you will grant us wisdom and lead us to make choices that will positively benefit us. Daddy Jesus, let not our choices be for earthly gain and physical benefits only, but for your glory and spiritual upliftment as well. Mighty God, help us to rid indecision from our lives for the benefit of moving towards our purposes through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a great day. Peace out. ✌🙏


  1. Bless you my friend and family
    Heaven bless you all

  2. All options are open. Choose ye this day who you will serve weather God or mammon. Such is the choice for one's eternal salvation, we have that choice for our secular lives.
    One can impact their life negatively or positively base on their decision. One must carefully examine and access things with the leading of the Holy Spirit before embarking on serious things. Once one admit this is of God, it does not mean everything will be perfect or without errors but it is through the varing circumstances that God will sort things out once there is admission and acceptance of His leading. Let us trust Him in the darkest hour. His light will come shining through. Shalom.


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