Who Is Your Hero?
Good morning Scripture reading: Hebrews 11:32-39 Worship song: Calvary Meditation: Maybe your hero is your parent, a teacher, a leader, a celebrity, a politician, or someone in society that you have not met, but that person has impacted your life in a very influential way. Everyone has a hero, someone they admire, respect, and want to be like. A hero can be someone who risks their own life to save another or someone who fights for a good cause and is distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, and strength by making a positive difference in the world. There is a hero I have come to know, love, and admire. He deserves our adoration, worship, obedience, time, treasure, service, and allegiance. His name is Jesus Christ. He gave his life to free us from Satan's bondage. He is our hero of Calvary, seated in glory now where archangels bow before him. He came to earth bearing our shame and iniquities; a man without fault, perfe...