
Showing posts from February, 2025


Who Is Your Hero?

Good morning Scripture reading: Hebrews 11:32-39 Worship song: Calvary   Meditation:      Maybe your hero is your parent, a teacher, a leader, a celebrity, a politician, or someone in society that you have not met, but that person has impacted your life in a very influential way. Everyone has a hero, someone they admire, respect, and want to be like. A hero can be someone who risks their own life to save another or someone who fights for a good cause and is distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, and strength by making a positive difference in the world.       There is a hero I have come to know, love, and admire. He deserves our adoration, worship, obedience, time, treasure, service, and allegiance. His name is Jesus Christ. He gave his life to free us from Satan's bondage. He is our hero of Calvary, seated in glory now where archangels bow before him. He came to earth bearing our shame and iniquities; a man without fault, perfe...

Thorough cleansing

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 51 Praise song: Washed in the Blood of the Lamb   Meditation:      It is said that if you keep your vehicle looking new, you will preserve its value and lengthen its durability. When your vehicle is obviously stained with dirt, the only way to get it sparkling clean, shiny, and looking remarkably new is to get to work with your cleaning agents or take it to a car wash attendant. Various cleaning agents are used to wash the vehicle, removing dust, dirt, debris, and contaminants from its interior and exterior, but when humans become filthy, marred by sin, stained within and without, the only cleaning agent available is Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ can cleanse, wash our sins away, and make us white as snow.       When we become aware that our garments are defiled by immoralities, stained by the graffiti of sin, only then can we seek to be purified. If you have strayed from the pathway of holiness, if...

In Him Will I Trust

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 20 Worship song: I Will Say of The Lord   Meditation:      When the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir rose up against King Jehoshaphat of Judah, he became afraid and sought the Lord's help. He proclaimed a solemn fast throughout all of Judah, and all the people stood before God, including women and children, seeking his divine help against the great armies. Jehoshaphat urged the people of Judah and Jerusalem to believe in the Lord God and trust the word of the messenger, and they would prosper and triumph in the battle against the army that pursued them. He also appointed singers to worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness and to praise him for his mercy endures forever (2 Chronicles 20).       When you are facing giants, cry out to God, trust His plans, and worship Him with a sincere heart; praise Him in the beauty of holiness. Do not be like those who trust in earthly rulers, human strength...

Purification of The Heart

Good morning Scripture: St. Matthew 15:8-20 Worship song: Create in Me A Clean Heart   Meditation:      The heart symbolizes the center or core of our being from which we operate. It is like the driving force behind our actions. It can be referred to as a person's character or the place within a person where feelings or emotions are generated. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Jeremiah, the prophet, says, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). Only God can. He searches the heart, tries it, and rewards every man according to his ways and the fruit it produces. The heart is like a factory where products are produced and exported.       Whatever evil the heart produces, it will be shipped throughout the rest of our body, exit through our mouth, and defile us. Among the things that the heart produces are evil thoughts, wickedness, stealing, envy, striving, covetousness, and the like. A person is made or broken by wha...

Miracle Working God

Good morning Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. (Jeremiah 17:7). Hymn: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less   Testimony:      When God has you covered, when his hands of mercy and grace are extended, and when your faith is stronger than your situation, you can rejoice and glorify the King of kings. My faith and trust in God are further heightened, and my hope has increased after hearing a victory testimony from a relative who doctors thought had no chance of survival after his diagnosis. I can truly say my God is good, O, and he is still working miracles. A recent medical examination determined that there was no trace of cancer in his body. Through prayer, praise, faith, trusting God, a strict diet plan, follow-up visits to the physician, and nurture and care by his loving wife, who stood by him, pampering, comforting, and nursing him, he is now rejoicing and giving God thanks. Look what the Lord has done.     ...

Celebrating God's Goodness

 Day of prayer   O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth forever. Psalm 118:1   Worship song: Thanks   Let us pray:      Almighty one, let your mercy prevail over us, O God, breathe upon us afresh and renew our mindset until it overflows with gratitude and thankfulness as we celebrate with appreciation your goodness, grace, and mercy. May we experience a renewed sense of hope and joy as we celebrate with a grateful heart your sacrificial offering for our redemption. Help us to rejoice not just in the blessings we receive but in the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died to redeem sinners. Draw us closer to you and prepare us to welcome you in our hearts, minds, and souls, O God. May this season of refreshing deepen our faith and fill us with the wonders of your presence, bringing us to a place where we recognize that you are our only redeemer, the only wise God, and Savior capable of breaking the chains of bo...

The Driver's Seat

Good morning  Scripture Reading: Matt 16:24-28 Worship Song: Highway To Heaven   Meditation:      I watched nervously as the driver of a red Ferrari SUV car repeatedly swerved in and out of lanes as he tried desperately to maneuver the vehicle and narrowly escaped an accident. Despite the almost tragic mishap, the driver did not check his speed but continued swerving in and out of lanes until he found a clear path. Reflecting on what unfolded before my eyes brings me to ask some very significant questions. Are you skipping lanes, swerving from the narrow road to the broad road? Have you swerved and ended on the path that leads to death, or are you on the path that leads to salvation? Who is chauffeuring you?       We all need a chauffeur to help us navigate the challenges we encounter in life, the hardships, the trials, disappointments, and tribulations, as well as keep us on the right path. To stay on the narrow path, we must allow J...

Life's Blueprint

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Chronicles 28:10-19 Worship song: Up on This Rock   Meditation:      A blueprint, also known as a building plan and construction plan, is a design with detailed drawings created and used by engineers, construction workers, and architects to illustrate project plans and build new infrastructure. David handed his son Solomon a blueprint of the Temple of the Lord and also gave him the materials needed to build it. In the context of life, we are not handed a drafted blueprint detailing our lifespan, nor are we given a draft of our successes and failures or what will happen each day. Neither are we given a blueprint detailing every aspect of our life. What we have access to is the Bible to help us navigate life's journey.       The Bible is a lamp to guide our feet and a light to show us the path. The Bible is the guidebook, a blueprint that provides guidance and advice for family life, relationships, spiritu...

He Was Ridiculed

Good morning Scripture: St. Luke 8:49-56 Worship song: He's able   Meditation:      Have you been laughed at or ridiculed by others? Don't be discouraged, and do not be offended; they laughed at Jesus Christ, too. When persons do not understand the power of God's work, and they are not at the same spiritual level as you, they will laugh and mock you because they cannot discern the power of God at work within you. Jesus Christ was laughed to scorn, not because he failed, but because the people did not know His potential; hence, they lacked faith in Him. In fact, Jesus never failed to deliver on His promises, but the people did not know Him, nor did they take time to observe and learn of Him before they ridiculed Him. They did not know his capabilities, nor the power he had.     When Jesus entered the house of the synagogue leader and declared that the child was not dead but sleeping, the mourners ceased lamenting and began to laugh. There is the...

Relying on GPS

Good morning Scripture reading: Proverbs 3:5-6 Meditation Song: Show Me Your Ways   Meditation:      Using physical maps or asking strangers for directions is almost a thing of the past. Centuries ago, travelers relied on maps and compasses for directions, but with the use of modern technology, the GPS (Global Positioning System) project was started by the United States Department of Defense in 1973. The Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS. GPS is made up of three different components, called segments, that work together to provide location information, velocity, and time data for air, sea, and land travel.       Despite man's invention, there is none as effective and accurate as our Lord. The greatest GPS available that will never lose its signal is God's plan of Salvation (GPS)...

Hidden Secrets

Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 5:1-20 Worship song: I repent   Meditation:      There is an alarming revelation taking place in our society today. As I watch the unfolding of events around us and all over the world via the different media platforms, I realize that the skeletons that were once hidden in closets are now coming to light. There are no secrets that shall not be made manifest, nor anything hidden that shall not be known and come abroad. The truth about what is going on in the secret places of homes, some places of worship, and across the world is now being revealed. The reality of what is taking place hits home as we are reminded of the sin that kindled the wrath of God and separated us from him.       Today, not only in one nation but all across the globe, people are indulging in promiscuous sin, ignoring and turning a blind eye to the commandments and the laws of God, and twisting the word of God to suit their lif...

What's In Your Treasure Box?

Good morning Scripture reading: Mark 12:41-44 Praise song: Sacrifice of Praise   Meditation:      The account told by Jesus of the poor widow is very intriguing and mind-boggling. Jesus watched as the people placed their money into the offering receptacle. The rich were contributing large sums of money, but among them, a poor widow walked up to the receptacle and placed her few coins in it. Jesus was not fascinated by the amount the rich were offering but by the widow's sacrificial offering of all her livelihood. The rich only gave a portion of their abundance, but the widow gave all she had. The widow was financially broken, but through faith, she made a sacrificial offering that captured the Lord's attention.       This is a lesson to us that it is not the amount that counts, but the willingness to give and the heart that eagerly gives the best unto the Lord. It is the condition of our hearts when we give. Our sacrifices should be pres...

Every Knee Shall Bow

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 2:9-13 Worship song: Bow Down and Worship Him   Meditation:      The scripture says that God highly esteemed Jesus and gave him a name that is high above every other name, that at the mention of the name Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Bowing down before God and confessing that the Lord God Omnipotent reigns is ordained by God; it cannot be reversed. We were created to worship, glorify, and exalt God. All people, rich or poor, Jews or Gentiles, regardless of their current belief, religion, gender, race, language, color, or culture, will one day acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and King, submitting to his authority and power.       That day is coming, unlike any other day when every atheist, unbeliever, idol worshipper, and everyone wh...

A Faithful Servant

Good morning. Scripture reading: Daniel 3 Worship song: Still   Meditation:      Daniel chapter 3 demonstrates an act of faith displayed by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Despite the evil, vindictive propaganda of those plotting against them, the three Hebrew boys did not let that stop their worship. They were not afraid of their enemy's evil conspiracy. They knew they served a faithful, promise-keeping God. The plots and schemes planned by those with evil intentions backfired. God delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the jaws of death. The problem most Christians encounter today is due mostly to a lack of faith. We have not tested and proven God's power, so we cannot endure the test of time.       If God be for us, who can be against us? Psalms 91:5-6 reminds us not to be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction...

Pressing On at Any Cost

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 3:12-15 Hymn: I am pressing on   Meditation:      Apostle Paul was one of the most influential witnesses of Jesus Christ and a dedicated preacher of the gospel who endured trials, suffering, and persecutions. Though Paul was imprisoned and persecuted for spreading the gospel, that did not discourage him. He continued his mission to serve, seek, and minister to those who needed to know about Jesus Christ, and he was not afraid to venture into dangerous territories. He pressed on to the higher calling by doing the will of God and completing his mission. To press on or press ahead means you continue with a task or activity in a determined way, and you do not allow any problems or difficulties to stop, delay, or prevent you.       You might be going through your wilderness experience now but press on and look towards your higher calling. 2 Cor. 4: 8-9 brings comfort and reassurance to those who bel...

But God

Good morning Scripture reading: Titus 3:1-7 Worship song: Try a little kindness   Meditation:      As children of God, we should be mindful of how we treat those who are in the world, for we were once meddling in sin, doing all manner of evil until Jesus rescued us. There was a time when we were bound by our fleshly desires, but God. There was a time when we hardened our hearts and rejected the teachings of God, but God. We are saved, sanctified, and redeemed not because we are righteous but because of God’s grace and mercies. We were once debased and deprived by sin but are now saved, redeemed, and sanctified by His grace.       If we proclaim to be holy and righteous, the word reminds us that there is none righteous, no, not one, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but those who received him are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. If the grace of God should leave the best Ch...

Will Your Anchor Hold?

Good morning Scripture reading: Matthew 8:23-27 Worship Song: In The Rock I Will Hide   Meditation:      One of the greatest weapons that the enemy uses to conquer us is the spirit of fear. The disciples became fearful and believed that they were going to perish when the storm transitioned from a peaceful, calm state to a boisterous state. Paralyzed by the invading force of the wind, they panic and rush to Jesus Christ for help. Fear can overshadow us with a thick cloud of darkness controlling our every move and decision. Unexpected crisis, negative impacts caused by changes in circumstances, or boisterous storms in life in the form of persecution, natural disasters, conflicts, disease, and ill health can create an atmosphere of wavering faith, uncertainty, anxiety, imminent fear, even in the fearless of believers.       We fear because our faith is weak and because we are not aware of the power of the God we serve. The Bible provides ve...

Beware of Your Enemies

Good morning Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4 Praise song: Victory Belongs to Jesus   Meditation:      When Nehemiah received word from his brethren concerning the Jews living in Jerusalem, he fasted and prayed to the God of heaven concerning the afflictions and reproach they were undergoing at the hands of their enemies. Nehemiah was granted vacation leave from his job to go into Jerusalem and rebuild the wall that was broken and the gates that were burned. When Nehemiah and his team arrived in Jerusalem, they were confronted by Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem, who mocked and laughed at them to scorn. However, they were not daunted by their folly, for they had a task to accomplish. When Sanballat realized that Nehemiah had finished building the wall and that the Jews were now safe, he was wroth, took great indignation, and despised the Jews. After the work was completed and there was no more breach left therein, Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem, and the rest of the en...

Escape Judgement

Good morning Scripture reading: Rev. 20:10-15 Worship song: The Old Rugged Cross   Meditation:      If you are thinking, like many others, that God will not destroy what he has created, you have the wrong concept. There is coming a day when we will all stand before God to be judged according to our deeds. 2 Cor. 5:10 clearly states that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done, whether it be good or bad. In Matthew 13, Jesus Christ explained the parable of the tares to the disciples who did not understand His teachings. Jesus Christ declared what the kingdom of heaven is like.       He told them that at the end of the world, the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. God Almighty knows all we have done and will do even befo...

Feeding on Cotton Candy

Good morning Scripture reading: Isaiah 55:1-3 Worship song: Give Me You   Meditation:      Cotton candy, also known as fairy floss or candy floss, is a confection made from sugar, artificial coloring, and mostly air. This type of candy has no nourishment, but its sweet, sugary, tasty flavor melts in your mouth, stimulating your appetite to take another bite. This is a description of what cotton candy Christianity is like in the world today. The sermons are sweetly sugar-coated, entertaining, and appeal to one's thoughts instead of convicting the heart, and they are filled with self-satisfaction and gratification. These sermons are like food; they taste great but have no nourishment for the soul.  The church is quickly drifting away, twisting the word of God to suit their ungodly lifestyle, turning a blind eye to the diet of sin just to gain fortune, fame, and favor. These modern-style messages leave its ardent listeners with inadequate room for so...