
Showing posts from January, 2025


Significance of a Map

Good morning Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 3:8-17 Worship Song: Thy word   Meditation:      A map is a visual representation of an entire area or part of an area, typically represented on a flat surface, and is used by everyday people for navigation and other useful purposes. Similar to a map, every child of God uses the BIBLE as a guide to navigate through the rough and smooth terrains of our life's journey. God has given us a written revelation about himself, his role, and our purpose in the world which can only be found in the Bible. The scripture was written to help us understand whose we are, what is required of us, and what we will endure for his sake.       The Bible is filled with truth, wisdom, exhortation, and encouragement for all God's people. It teaches us to overcome trials and temptation. It is a guide to lead us to our future destination. The BIBLE is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training i...

State of Afflictions

Good morning Scripture reading: James 5:13-15 Praise song: Healer   Meditation:      Affliction is the state of being affected by something or someone that causes great distress, pain, or suffering due to adversities such as diseases, sicknesses, misfortune, etc. Afflictions exist all around us in various forms and severity, but God’s healing promises will always supersede our seasons of affliction. While you might at times experience some hard moments, never stop believing that God can deliver you out of all your afflictions.       Paul encouraged us to call upon the elders of the church whenever we are sick to pray fervently and perform the ritual of anointing with oil. When you are sick, you need reinforcement and faith-believing prayer warriors to help intercede on your behalf. The effectual and sincere prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Paul also encouraged us to pray when we are suffering afflictions and worship when we are m...

Acknowledge Him

Good morning Scripture reading: Proverbs 3:1-8 Worship song: Order My Steps    Meditation:      One of the greatest affirmations of promise recorded in the scriptures is that those who honor and acknowledge the Lord in all aspects of their life, He will lead and direct the way. The Lord is the source of wisdom and knowledge, so we must trust his ways and plans and not rely on our perception. Acknowledging God starts with trusting Him and not trusting our own wisdom. To acknowledge God in all our ways is a process that begins with obedience and seeking to know more about his will by meditating on the scriptures and allowing his word to transform us.       When we put our trust in God, He will instruct us, teach us the way we should go, watch over us, and counsel us. We may not fully understand the path to which God directs us, and it may seem strange and complicated, but we have his assurance that his plans lead to salvation ...

Wash and Be Clean

Good morning Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:16-18 Worship song: Washed  in the Blood of the Lamb  Meditation:      In the above verse, the Lord was appealing to the people of Isaiah in Judah. They had rebelled against him and rejected his love, so he invited them to come and have a discussion with him about their scarlet and crimson-stained sin. He likened sin to scarlet and crimson, colors dyed that are not easily removed from the fabric they stain. Scarlet and crimson represent the visibility of a heart that is contaminated and stained with the graffiti of sin. Whereas wool and snow represent a righteous heart purified and cleansed by God. It takes the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ, to purify and cleanse a sinner's heart that is stained with sin. The power of the Lord is demonstrated through purification to emphasize that no sin is beyond God's ability to forgive. The offer of forgiveness, purification, and cleansing was made possible by God and is extend...

How Deep Are Your Roots

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 1 Worship song: Rooted and Grounded   Meditation:      In the parable of the Sower, Jesus gave four different scenarios: the seed that fell on the wayside, the seed that fell on stony ground, the seed that fell among thorns, and the seed that fell on good ground. This parable represents the sower, the seed, and the soil. The sower is the person proclaiming the word, the seed represents the word of God, and the soil represents the heart of those who hear the word of God. The seed that fell on the good ground represents the believers who hear the word, accept it, and bring forth fruit.       The believers who are firmly anchored in Christ are like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; whatever they do will prosper. Your acceptance of God's word is determined by the condition of your heart. Those who are not firmly rooted endure, but for a ...

The Spirit of Fear

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 4:6-7 Worship song: Fear is a Liar   Meditation:      Daily we confront fear, and it has the potential to rob us of our joy and peace if we allow it to overwhelm us. Fear, according to the dictionary, is the feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, or pain. This type of fear causes you to doubt God's goodness and power. This fear is not of God. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control. This type of fear will keep us from fulfilling our responsibilities and prevent us from doing the will of God. The word of God reminds us in Isaiah 41:10 to fear not and be not dismayed, for God is with us; he will strengthen, help, and uphold us with his righteous right hand. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. Fearing man is a dangerous trap, but when you fear the Lord, you are protected.       The fear of the Lo...

The Drivers Seat

Good morning Scripture reading: Matthew 16: 24-26 Worship song: Jesus Take The Wheel   Meditation:      While we traverse the busy highway of life, we are bound to encounter obstacles, dangers, and roadblocks set up by Satan and his cohorts to derail us, but with Jesus Christ in the driver's seat, we can maneuver through and around any obstruction in our path. There will be times in our lives when we come to the point of collision, but as long as Jesus Christ is our chauffeur, we will escape danger. Anyone who wants to follow Jesus has to let him lead; he is in control, not us. Trusting Jesus Christ to be in the driver's seat illustrates our faith, commitment, and complete surrender to Him.       Is Jesus Christ in the driver's seat? If not, will you accept Him as your chauffeur, trust Him, and allow him to take you safely to your destination? The road to your destination won't be easy. It is long and winding, full of temptation and tria...

Uncontrolled Addiction

Good morning Scripture reading: Galatians 5:1 Worship Song: Redeemed   Meditation:      Behavioral science experts believe that any source capable of stimulating a person can be addictive, and whenever a habit changes into an obligation, it can be considered an addiction. If this is truly the case, then many persons are struggling with some form of addiction without knowing or realizing they have an addiction. Some signs that a person might be addicted may include, but are not limited to, unexplained changes in attitude or mood, increased irritability or angry outbursts, changes in demeanor, withdrawal, secretive behavior, and neglecting responsibilities.       Regardless, there is nothing that we can be addicted to that the Lord cannot deliver us from. Jesus can free us of any addiction that is preventing us from living a normal life. Jesus came not only to die for our sins but to bring liberty to the captives and open the prison d...

Earnest Seekers

Good morning Scripture reading: Jeremiah 29:11-14 Worship song: Seek Ye First   Meditation:      The nature of humans is to seek out things that satisfy their desires. The things you seek are evidence of your heart's desire. The earthly pleasures and possessions that we desire are only self-seeking attributes and gains, not a priority. If we seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, all the things that are necessary and appropriate in this life according to God's will, he will grant it unto us. To seek the Lord means you desire to have a personal relationship with him, to learn more about him and his word, and to follow and obey his commands and precepts.       Seeking the Lord means you set your mind and heart on God, not on the corporate world. Those who sincerely seek after the Lord are those who continuously seek after righteousness, holiness, meekness, and goodness. The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pea...

Not From Man

Good morning Scripture reading: Galatians 1 Worship song: Show Me Your Ways   Meditation:      Paul, in his writing, makes it clear that his preaching, ministry, and teaching were not ordained by man; they did not originate with man nor come through man but by Jesus Christ. He was anointed and appointed by Jesus Christ as an apostle to preach the gospel; therefore, he could boast that he does not please men. He was transformed from a violent persecutor of the Christians to a Minister of the Gospel. His conversion from ancestral beliefs to Christianity was a divine intervention that led him to preach the very gospel he once opposed. He was not led to Christ by men neither did he receive the gospel from men but by a heavenly revelation.       Jehovah God have the power and authority to use anyone he chose to fulfill his purpose to redeem souls for his Kingdom. God is still transforming and converting persons to fulfill his mission here on ea...

Do You Have Enough Fuel?

Good Morning Scripture reading: Matthew 25: 1-13 Mediation song: Give Me Oil in My Lamp   Meditation:      Have you ever had the unfortunate experience when the vehicle you are traveling in or driving runs out of fuel, leaving you stranded by the roadway? Better yet, have you encountered a power outage while you are in the middle of an important event, and when you check your backup source, it is out of fuel? If you are among those who have had this experience, it means that you understand what it means to be in a situation of unpreparedness. The bridesmaids waited to meet the bridegroom, but while they waited, the bridegroom delayed longer than they expected. When the bridegroom arrived at midnight, the ten virgins woke up and began to prepare their lamps, but there was a problem. The five foolish virgins ran out of oil and missed the opportunity to go with the bridegroom. The five wise virgins rejoice because they have enough supply of oil.   ...

No Foreign God

Good morning Scripture reading: Judges 10 Praise song: You deserve the glory   Meditation:      The children of Israel constantly trespassed against the Lord God by worshipping and bowing to false gods. Their desire to serve other gods kindled the wrath of God against them. They disobey God's commandments and then appeal for mercy and forgiveness. Each time they sinned against God, God left them at the mercy of their enemies and withdrew His help. The Lord told the Israelites He would no longer deliver them, but after they repent and return to God, he has mercy on them and forgave them. Jehovah God is a compassionate, merciful, loving, and forgiving God, but that does not mean we should blatantly sin against him. The same command that applies to the Israelites still applies to us today. We are to put away the foreign gods that are among us, fear the Lord, and serve Him sincerely. Anything we idolize and worship other than our creator becomes our god. The Lord...

Can't be Canceled or Rescheduled

Good morning Scripture reading: Hebrews 9: 27-28 Worship song: Death Was Arrested   Meditation:      An appointment is a formal date or plan to meet at a specified time. The type of appointment depends on the purpose of the meeting. Not all scheduled appointments are kept; some are canceled, while some are postponed, and this depends on the nature or urgency of the matter. Scheduling an appointment helps us to keep our commitments, but there are those persons who sometimes reschedule appointments for their convenience. Nevertheless, there is an appointment that all of us must keep, and it is with DEATH. We are all appointed once to die, but after death comes the judgment. There is no exception and no exemption. We cannot reschedule, cancel, or ignore it because we do not have dominion power over its existence.       Death is no respecter of persons; be prepared and ready, for there is no repentance and confession in the grave. Do not fear; we...

That Little Fox

Good Morning Scripture reading: Song of Solomon 2:15 Worship song: Here's My Heart Lord   Meditation:      King Solomon warns us to catch the little foxes before they ruin the vines that have tender grapes. Little foxes are destructive to the vines because they attack the roots and stems, which are the lifeline of the plant. The little foxes are the sins that burrow into our lives that we refuse to shun. They are the works of the flesh that war against the fruit of the spirit. The little foxes are the seemingly insignificant things that we disregard, the deception and lies that we accept that appear harmless yet have the potential to wreak havoc on our spiritual lives.       When we constantly disregard these habitual sins, they lead to major sins, which will eventually ruin our character and spiritual growth. A little spark kindled a fire; likewise, little willful sin defiles the conscience, so beware of the little foxes lurking in your vin...

Walking in God's Will

Good morning   Scripture reading: 1 Peter 5:1-4 Praise song: Ocean   Meditation:      Arthur Blessitt, a travelling evangelist born in Mississippi, is well known as the preacher who carried a cross through every nation of the world. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, the grace of God kept him. Through difficult times and the hottest battlefield, he held on to faith and trusted God to lead him safely. He went on the mission, determined to spread the gospel, leading souls to Calvary. He walked through lonely deserts, across hills and valleys, teaching the will of God as he bore the weight of the heavy wooden cross. Listening to this intriguing life story gives a true reflection of what it means to truly follow and obey the Lord's command, to accept his will, and to trust Him wholeheartedly. It gives a clearer insight into what it truly means to trust God and walk by faith. Blessitt obeyed the call to witness to lost souls. His choice of reaching so...

Pledge Allegiance

Good morning Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:5 Worship song: Forever At Your Feet   Testimony:      The declaration was made that whosoever believes that Jesus is the Son of God will overcome the world. I am proud to be an overcomer of the world and a recipient of God's grace and mercies through the blood of Jesus Christ. I once walked the path where you are treading, loitering in dangerous places, thinking it satisfied me, but deep within, I was just a broken vessel in need of a savior. I was disobedient, stiff-necked, and carefree, doing that which I desired, but now I see things in a new light, all because Jesus stepped in and dispelled the darkness that engulfed me. He led me out of the wilderness where I was grappling with sin, conquered my soul, purified my heart, and made me whole. I was living, yet I was dead because I was lost without Jehovah God, heading down the wrong path, the path ...

Let Your Will Be Done - Prayer

Good morning Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21 Worship song: Not My Will   Let Us Pray:      Sovereign God, clothed in splendour and majesty, I honour, worship, and adore you, O Lord, as my Father and King. Almighty God, I seek your divine intervention as I acknowledge that I have failed to hearken to your will daily. Almighty God, I beseech you to slay selfish desires and restrain self-willpower that seeks to dominate your will for my life and the lives of your children. Free us, O God, from self-will and let your will reside in us; let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, mighty God. Lord, we seek not to be conformed to this world, but to discern your will and what is good, acceptable, and well-pleasing in your sight. Lord God, take command over every unfamiliar spirit and every spirit that is not authorized by you tha...

Whose Team Are You On?

Good morning.  S cripture: Galatians 3:23-29 Worship song: Give Me Jesus   Meditation:      A team can be referred to as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. Once a team is established, whether in a work setting or the sporting arena, etc., all members are expected to play their role effectively. A netball team is a great example of a team working together to accomplish their goal. It is the responsibility of players to train viciously to ensure victory over the opposing team.       As Christians, we should also strive to accomplish our goals and defeat our opponents by focusing on our requirements. We should be alert, vigilant, and sober and never let down our guard because the adversary is the wing defense player. At no time should we give the opposing team access to defeat and conquer us.       As children of God, we have been allowed to represent God, and therefore we need to live our li...

The Things You Gave Your Heart To

 Good Morning  S cripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 13-18 Worship song: Praise His Name   Meditation:      What do you do when the things you gave your all fall apart? What do you do when you have invested all your time and energy in the things you cannot control and end up losing it all? When your heart is broken and darkness is all around, when all you feel is frustration, disappointment, grief, and pain, what do you do? Who do you turn to when the one you love walks away and leaves you bewildered?       When everything falls apart, turn your eyes upon Jesus Christ. All glory and honour belong to him who loves you without merit or conditions. When you are weary and frustrated by your losses and pain, you will find comfort in the God of all comfort, who will comfort you in all your troubles. When you are left to pick up the broken pieces, remember there is a friend in Jesus who will wipe your tears away. Give the things you ca...

Position Yourself for Change

Good morning  Scripture reading:   St. Luke 19:1-10 Hymn: Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul   Meditation:      The scripture above speaks of Zacchaeus, a wealthy man, and chief among the publicans, who wanted to see Jesus Christ. He was financially wealthy but lacked salvation. Zacchaeus was seeking refuge for his soul, and therefore, he did not hesitate but went in search of Jesus. There was a multitude assembled, waiting to see Jesus, but Zacchaeus pushed his way through. He must have been ridiculed by others as he climbed the tree just to see Jesus, but he didn't care, for he knew he was broken on the inside. After Zacchaeus communed with Jesus Christ, his concept of life changed. Jesus offered him salvation, and in return, Zacchaeus offered to restore fourfold what he had taken through false accusations and offer financial assistance to the poor and needy.       Zacchaeus sought Jesus when he needed a change, and he received sal...

Your Faith Has Made You Whole

Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 3:16-19 Worship song: Tell Your Heart to Beat Again   Meditation:      Behind every song is an untold story that listeners are often not aware of. Some of these songs are inspired by personal experiences, tragedies, and near-death encounters. I am so moved by the story behind this song that I am compelled to share it with you. "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" is based on a true story told by a pastor from Ohio about a surgeon who performs open-heart surgery on a woman but is unable to restart her heart. There was no surgical complication, but the woman's heart would not restart. The surgeon knelt beside her bed and whispered, we have fixed the issue with your heart, but it won't restart, so tell your heart to beat again. Immediately her heart starts beating on its own.       This testimony is a reminder that our great Physician has already healed our brokenness; he has already fixed our problems. ...

Preparing for a Race

Good morning.  Scripture reading: Hebrews 12:1-3 Worship song: I Will Run to You   Meditation:      Winning a world championship is considered one of the highest achievements in athletics. Every athlete who competes in a race desire to win a gold medal and also to become the world's fastest champion. Any athlete competing among other runners with the same agenda and desire to win will have to put in extra effort to win the race. To have a fair chance of winning the race requires determination, commitment, vigorous training, sacrifices, endurance, patience, and discipline.       As children of God, we are running in a noncompetitive race, and the challenge is to pursue what God wants for us rather than what we want for ourselves. We have the responsibility to press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly reward. This race is not for those who finished first but for those who are willing to endure to the end. At the e...

You Shall Be Free Indeed

Good morning Scripture reading: St. John 8:31-36 Worship song: I'm Free   Meditation:      Isaiah, the messianic prophet, prophesied that the spirit of the Lord would be upon him who would be anointed to preach to the meek, proclaim freedom to the captives, and liberate those who are bound in prisons. The proclamation of the prophecy of Isaiah was declared fulfilled by Jesus Christ immediately after he read the scripture recorded in Isa. 61 to the Nazarenes (St. Luke 4:18-21). Jesus revealed to them that he was the Messiah, the one who came to deliver and rescue his people from bondage and the oppression of sin. Jesus came robed in flesh, not tarnished with sin or filled with blemish, but as the spotless lamb of God, holy and righteous, to redeem us from Satan's captivity.       Through Jesus Christ, all sinners are granted the same privilege to receive redemption and freedom from sin's dominion power. To be freed and have the peace of G...

Be Submissive

 Good morning   Scripture reading: Colossians 3:18-24 Worship song: Withholding Nothing   Meditation:      To be submissive is the willingness to conform to authority or submit to the will of others obediently without putting up any resistance. It takes obedience, courage, and willpower to submit to someone in authority, especially if you are not the sole beneficiary. In the book of Jonah, Jonah refused to willingly submit to carrying out God's plan because he thought the people of Nineveh did not deserve forgiveness for their wickedness. God sent Jonah to the city of Nineveh to warn the people there and convince them to change their wicked ways, but Jonah disobeyed God's authority. Jonah instead took a ship and was heading for Tarshish when God intercepted his travel plans. The consequence of his action, though not detrimental, taught him a valid lesson. He obediently humbled himself and carried out the assigned task.      Througho...

The Everlasting God Is a Great God

 Happy New Year Scripture reading: Isaiah 40 Praise song: How great is our God   Meditation:      Knowing that God is great is the beginning of showing reverence and submitting to Him. Almighty God sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants are like grasshoppers; this depicts the greatness of our God. He also stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in. We serve a mighty God, who can do the impossible things in our lives. He made the earth a dwelling place for all things He created. He gives power to the faint and strength to the weary. Jehovah God is greater than all other gods; he has no equal; nothing or no one can be compared to his matchless worth. He is sovereign over all creation; he rules over the earth, the sea, and the dry land. The Everlasting God is greater than all our problems and suffering. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He is greater than we can ever ...

The Kingdom of God

 Happy New Year   Scripture reading: St. Luke 18:15-17 Praise song: Jesus Love Me   Meditation:      Children are to be seen and not heard are the words I heard ever so often as a child. Children cannot voice their opinions or say anything, especially when adults are speaking. Children are often ignored and sometimes treated as insignificant. Children have needs too, and their purposes in society must be recognized. While Jesus was on His ministering mission on the coast of Judea, parents brought their children for prayer and blessings, but the disciples rebuked them. Maybe they thought that what Jesus was doing was only for the benefit of the adults or maybe they believe children have no need. Jesus, realizing what the disciples were doing intervened. Jesus told the disciples to allow the children to come unto Him, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Jesus placed His hands on all the children and blessed them before He departe...

The Master Key

Happy New Year Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Worship song: Thy Word  Meditation:      A master key is a key that gives you access to more than one door or locks within your organization. The Bible is the master key to our spiritual growth as a believer. It provides and sustains our spiritual life because it is alive. The Bible contains the word of God, which is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Bible contains the word of God vital, to judge the thoughts and intentions of our minds. It reveals to us our sinful nature and, therefore, convicts the hearts of those who read it. Believers rely on the word of God to instruct, empower, enrich, and bring about changes in their spiritual lives.       The Bible is an essential tool necessary to empower us, as it is filled wi...

Through It All

Happy New Year Scripture reading: Psalm 27 Worship song: Through it all   Meditation:      The psalmist, David, was not free from trouble and haters. During his life, he had many enemies. Many rose against him, including King Saul, whom he had helped to defeat the Philistine giants who fought against Israel. David was not afraid of the host that encamped roundabout and against him, for he knew the God whom he served. Through it all, David trusted God and built a relationship with Him. David's only desire was to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. He trusted God and believed that He would shield him from all his enemies. Through it all, David learned to depend upon God and trust Him with his whole heart. Through it all, David triumphed over his foes. Through it all, David overcame trials and tribulations because he trusted and believed in God.       If we trust God with everything that we are going through, we can overc...