Significance of a Map
Good morning Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 3:8-17 Worship Song: Thy word Meditation: A map is a visual representation of an entire area or part of an area, typically represented on a flat surface, and is used by everyday people for navigation and other useful purposes. Similar to a map, every child of God uses the BIBLE as a guide to navigate through the rough and smooth terrains of our life's journey. God has given us a written revelation about himself, his role, and our purpose in the world which can only be found in the Bible. The scripture was written to help us understand whose we are, what is required of us, and what we will endure for his sake. The Bible is filled with truth, wisdom, exhortation, and encouragement for all God's people. It teaches us to overcome trials and temptation. It is a guide to lead us to our future destination. The BIBLE is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training i...