
Showing posts from August, 2024


The Hell Experience

  Scripture reading: Romans 12:16-21 Praise song: Give me your peace  Meditation:          In the year 2021, I had a vision where I died and went to hell. In the pitch blackness, there was a little glimmer of light as if I were directed by someone. While there, it was revealed to me that I needed to forgive a particular person who had hurt me several years before. My response was that I had already forgiven the person; the person who I could not see let me know that I had not been forgiven by the debtor. I thought and pondered about the vision for several months but soon forgot about it. As fate would have it, in 2022, I received a call from the individual, and our lengthy conversation led us down the path of the past. I never knew until then that I had so much bottled up inside. Shocked by the outpouring from a wounded heart, the person asked for forgiveness, and the burden of my heart was immediately lifted. God will allow the Holy Spirit to rev...

Clean outside, messy inside

Scripture reading: St. Matthew 23:23-28 Worship song: Holy Are You Lord Meditation:     Jesus, while speaking to the multitude, used the lifestyle of the Scribes and Pharisees as an illustration to bring across His message with clarity. The Scribes and Pharisees appeared righteous to men, but inwardly they were filled with iniquities and uncleanness. They were more concerned about religion and obeying the rules and laws of man than living a righteous life, rather than ensuring that their hearts were clean. The life some of us unveil is similar to that of the Scribes and Pharisees. Our outward appearance attracts and looks appealing to the eyes of our onlookers, but what will they see when they gaze at the inside? As a people, we are drawn to the outward beauty, beguiled by our natural inception and the lust of the eyes. Can we not see that the beauty without should also be within? We often select, hire, marry, and cling to people based on external image but miss the much more...

The Purpose of Pain

 Scripture reading: 2 Cor. 1:1-8  Worship song: No more pain Meditation:      We all experience pain at some point in our lives, whether physical or emotional. Pain is an affliction we wrestle with, though we try to ignore it or pretend it is not there. Maybe your pain is brought on by a sickness that lingers too long. Maybe it is caused by a broken relationship or an abusive partner that you trusted with your whole heart. Perhaps it is a job that is draining your physical strength, or maybe it's the decisions or choices you or your children have made. Maybe it is your lack of faith or constantly living in fear that is causing you pain. Perhaps it is due to financial struggles or unresolved issues. Whatever causes your pain, you don't have to wrestle to overcome it on your own. We may not be able to figure out or understand the reason behind our pain, but every pain has a purpose. No matter the cause of your pain, you can find comfort in the God of all comfort, ...


Scripture reading: Job 1:6-7 Hymn: Sweet Will of God   Meditation: Whenever a phone disconnects from a wireless network and joins another network, it is doing something called data roaming. This means your phone is using this new wireless network to allow you to send messages and make calls, even if you are out of the usual areas of coverage for your phone carrier. This is made possible through an agreement made between carriers to facilitate those who need network access while visiting other countries. The ability to have access to and connect to a wireless network when travelling outside your native area is great, but one cannot say the same for a person who has left the presence of God. Once you step away from the faith and connect with unknown sources, you are sure to encounter danger. When you roam about aimlessly, not connected to the right network, you are at risk of being used by Satan, who roams the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Those who ar...

A Fresh Start (Her Testimony)

Scripture reading: 2 Cor. 5:16-21 Worship song: I Will Boast In Christ Meditation: She entered the church through the back door and then stared at the congregation with uncertainty. Confused and frustrated, she came to the house of God expecting to find comfort and relief. She was not concerned about how out of place she looked among the well-dressed attendants. Feelings of disdain crept over her, but she ignored them and sat in the far corner, away from everyone. She was contemplating leaving, but her thoughts were halted when the choir dragged her attention to the words of an unfamiliar song, 'Fresh Start.' The words gripped her heart. She dropped to the floor, tears rolling down her eyes as she wept bitterly and surrendered all to Jesus Christ. This marks the beginning of her new life, a life sold out for Jesus Christ. She renounced her old life and welcomed the start of what promises to be a life of hope, peace, and love. Christ has reconciled her to himself, and now she ...

The Power of The Tongue

Scripture reading: James 3: 5-12 Worship song: Ancient Words Meditation: James, a servant of God, while observing the behavioral trend of those around him, realized that their tongue is a very unruly member of the body and cannot be tamed. The words that proceed out of the mouth are cause for concern, as the effective power of words can uplift and then later tear down what it has erected. This operation of the tongue acts contrary to the will of God and is therefore deemed unacceptable. Words can be a lethal weapon, powerful enough to damage the character of others, stir up anger, condemn, curse, and destroy the spirit and self-esteem of others. Likewise, the tongue can also be used to build, uplift, motivate, comfort, praise, and help others in making the right decisions. As children of God, our words should strengthen and motivate those whom we come in contact with. Therefore, no harmful words should proceed from our mouth, but that which is wholesome to the use of edifying, that i...

Not Without Reservations

Scripture reading: St. John 14:1-6 Praise song: Jerusalem  Meditation: When you think about hotels, airlines, cruises, fine dining at restaurants, etc., making reservations comes to mind, right? To experience the services offered by these establishments and to be accommodated, you will need to book a reservation because, without it, you do not stand a chance. Every day calls are received from various persons requesting reservations with the desire to experience the ambiance and the services offered by these hospitality industries. Nonetheless, there is another reservation that many overlook and are not keen to book, and it is the open and available reservation with Jesus Christ. All of us can partake of and fully enjoy this service, which is offered freely to those who are willing to surrender to Him. We all need to book our reservation and accept the invitation offered by Jesus Christ so our names can be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Regrettably, if you don’t reserve and c...

You Are Valuable

Scripture reading: Romans 3:19-29 Worship song: Bring Me Down Meditation: It is human tendency to place the rich, the famous, the hierarchy, and the scholars on pedestals, grouping them in a class above all others, but as created beings, we all have one thing in common, and that is we are tainted with sin. The world we live in classifies people according to race, colour, creed, cultural status, etc., but in reality, we are all equal in God's sight, created in His likeness and image. Regardless of human differences, whether you are among the upper-, middle-, or lower-class groups, we are all sinners in need of a Saviour. No matter our economic, ethnic, or social affiliation, we stand accused as disobedient and equally guilty sinners before our Creator. As part of Adam's race, we are all born spiritually dead in sin and at enmity with God. We are all condemned to die and have fallen short of the glory of God. Nevertheless, we are all granted the opportunity to break free from s...

I Have Seen Your Afflictions

  Scripture reading: Exodus 3:1-20 Worship song: His Eyes Is On The Sparrow Meditation: After the death of Joseph and the passing of the King of Egypt, a new ruler began to reign who knew not about the role or affairs of Joseph. The new king, Pharaoh, ruled with an iron fist, instructing the taskmasters to afflict the Israelites and forcing them to work under oppression, but their cries did not fall on deaf ears. God heard the cries of the Israelites. He knew their sorrows, and he saw their affliction, and he said he came down to deliver them out of the hands of their oppressors. God had revealed to Abraham that his generation would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, and there they would undergo great affliction. God assured Abraham that he would bring judgement to the nation of Egypt and that He would deli ver his generation from bondage. God was faithful to His promise. You might have been praying constantly, pleading to God to deliver you out of the hands of your ...

The Door Was Closed

  Scripture reading: St. Luke 13:23-28 Song: If You Only Know The Blessings Meditation: Misplacing the key to your apartment/home can be frustrating and a surge of panic. I recently experienced what it feels like to be locked on the outside. As we approached the door and dipped in the bag to retrieve the key, there was no key; we were locked out with no way to get inside. I did not have my key and was relying on the other person to open the door, but unfortunately, she could not find it. Weary and tired, we stood waiting for assistance while hoping for a miracle. Finally, help arrived, and we were able to get inside. As I reflect on the day we were locked out, I think about the vast number of people who have locked God out of their lives. He is knocking and wants to come into your heart, but you will not let him in. Jesus is saying, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and dine with you, and vice versa. Anyone who grants Jesu...

Spiritual Empowerment

Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:12-16 Worship song: Firm foundation Meditation: There are days when you might feel broken and empty. Some days you might be going through a season  of trials, temptations, and tragedies, but fear none of these things  which you shall suffer, and the Lord will reward you for your faithfulness. The trials we  face are only temporary setbacks. Amid such a temporary earthly season, we are to  draw strength from Jesus Christ, the source of life so we can be spiritually empowered.  Through your season of suffering and persecution, maintain your faith in God, draw  from the fountain of life freely and live boldly. Remain anchored and steadfast while on  the mission for God, knowing that your labor will not go unnoticed. Today, no matter  what your season brings, ensure it is well with your soul. Trials and temptations we have  to endure, but at the end of it all, remember your ship cannot sail if it is not anchored in...

Pressing On Anyhow

Scripture reading: Philippians 3:12-15 Hymn: I Am Pressing On Meditation: Apostle Paul is among the most influential witnesses of Jesus Christ and a dedicated preacher of the gospel who endured suffering and persecution. Though Paul was imprisoned and persecuted for spreading the gospel, that did not discourage him. He continued his mission to serve and minister to lost souls. He pressed on to the higher calling by doing the will of God. To press on or press ahead means you continue with a task or activity in a determined way, and you do not allow any problems or difficulties to stop, delay, or prevent you. You might be going through your wilderness experience now but press on and look towards your higher calling. 2 Cor. 4:8-9 brings comfort and reassurance to those who believe in God. The verses are a reminder to us that we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. If you a...

The Road Is Dangerous

Scripture reading: St. Matt. 7:13-14 Song: I Am Not Going To Hell  Meditation: The pedestrians waited patiently to cross the busy highway as vehicles sped along. No one attempts to cross for fear of being hit. As I watched the heavy flow of traffic, my mind drifted to the broad road that has no limitations, no restrictions, and no rules. I stood there visualizing the chaos on the broad road. I imagine the different types of sins that paved the street. I envision the busy street, bustling with activities and crowded with people enjoying the pleasures of sin. There you will find murderers, idolaters, whoremongers, drunkards, adulterers, dictators, the self-righteous, and even some church folks. Proverbs 16:25 states that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Not only is the broad road wide and crowded, but it is deceptive and leads to destruction. Numerous people become victims of eternal death statistics because they have c the chosen t...

The Dominant Power of Sin

 Scripture reading: Romans 7:14-25 Worship song: Sin Doesn't Live Here Anymore Meditation: Paul reveals to us in Romans chapter 7, the power of sin. He tried to do good, but each time he tried, sin took dominance. Paul says that God has already set him free from the law of sin and death (8:1). The fact that he received and accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord, he is no longer condemned. The smallest of our sins is costly—far more costly than any of us have ever imagined. Satan's greatest snare to any of us is a permanent detachment from God because of our sins. Satan sets the bait and hopes we will fall for it. When Jesus gave his life for the sake of sinners, the power of sin was defeated. Though we have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23), when we accept the gift of God's grace, we experience God's glory as if we had never sinned. With all our scars, with all that is wrong with us, with all the terrible consequences our sin has laid upon us, God stil...

The Diagnosis (Suspense).

 Scripture reading: Matthew 11:28-30 Worship song: Though Your Sins Meditation: In 1990, I realized that I had a common condition that affects humans of all ages. I sought professional help and started the treatment, but after several years, I failed to continue follow-up visits to assist with self-care activities. I went back to my old lifestyle, doing the things I enjoyed the most. I went about daily, doing everything as before, ignoring the warning signs. First, my actions started affecting my mind, then my heart, and my performance. There was a nudge at my conscience, but being the person I am, enjoying the pleasures of life, I ignored the signs. But, in 2007, there was a drastic change in my condition. The symptoms started to affect me, and the severe pressure resulting from my condition started to affect my ability to function. The effects were so severe that it required immediate treatment to prevent fatality. That's when I encountered Almighty God, my physician, t...

Testimony of God's faithfulness

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Joshua 1:5 Worship song: Never Walk Alone My Testimony: If you have overcome a test, it means you have a testimony. It is truly miraculous what Almighty God can do. There is nothing that can be compared to our Lord God, and there is nothing as sweet as his love, grace, mercy, and goodness. Don't look at your condition; look at the God in control of your condition and taste of His goodness. I am living proof of what the mercies of God can do. Time and time again, I was put to the test, physically battered by illnesses, but God delivered me out of them all. When you trust God with your situations and take all to Him in prayer, it brings an overwhelming feeling of joy and enthusiasm when things turn in your favor. We often hear that God is still in the miracle-working business, but most of us do not believe it until we expe...

Day of prayer - Deliverance

Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me: O LORD, make haste to help me. Psalms 40:13 Worship song: Deliverance   Let us pray: Everlasting Father, seated at the seat of control, all glory and honour belong to you, O God. Almighty God, we are living in a time when evil is rampant across the nation. There is no haven for anyone to dwell, but Lord, I trust your word that reminds us that no evil shall befall us, and no plague will enter our dwelling, for your angels have charge over us, keeping, shielding, and protecting us from harm and danger. Almighty God, because I know the power that you have and that you are still in charge, I beseech you on behalf of the young, the feeble, and vulnerable. Father, deliver them, O God, out of darkness into your marvellous light. Deliver them, O God, from the stronghold and the deception of the evil one. Pull them, O God, out of the gambling houses, the rum bar, the nightclubs, the dancehalls, the gangs, away from destructive additions, and out of the gra...

Don't Suffer In Silent

  Scripture reading: Job 2 Worship song: He Will Carry You Meditation: Physical, emotional, and spiritual pain has been and will be a part of the human experience. Some of us will suffer for the cause of Christ, some because of our choices, and some because we have rebelled against the God of creation. Job was a righteous man, yet his suffering was extreme, but he did not suffer alone, for God was with him through it all. Job suffered emotional distress when he lost all that he possessed, including all his children. And if that was not enough torture, his suffering intensified when he was afflicted with sores all over his body. Suffering is inevitable because we are living in a broken and sinful world. Suffering will certainly come, but God can provide us with grace and strength to overcome every ordeal. There is hope amid our suffering, so when your battle becomes unbearable, find solace in the God of comfort who can comfort us in all our struggles. Job stood steadfast, resilient,...

The Blame Game

Good morning Scripture reading: 2 Peter 3 Worship song: The Lord Will Fix It Meditation:      If the question is asked regarding who is to be blamed for the state of criminal activities and the evil that plagues the world, I am sure we will get mixed responses. Some would cast blame on the parent's upbringing; others would blame the schools, the media, the church, the members of the security force, the fulfilment of Bible prophecy, and the list goes on. However, the blame game cannot change the fact that the damage is already done, but the evil spell can be broken if we turn to Jesus Christ and surrender all to Him. I stand by the words written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, and I still believe that God is waiting for us to turn to him so he can heal our land. St. Matthew 7:7-8 reminds us to ask, and we will receive, seek and we will find, knock, and it shall be opened unto us. Our answer to our problems lies in prayer, fasting, repentance, and the power of Almighty God. There is ...

Thirst for Living Water

Scripture reading: Psalm 63 Worship song: We Thirst for You   Meditation:  Have you ever felt thirsty to the point where you felt a sensation of dryness in your mouth and throat? When you become extremely thirsty, it means your body is dehydrated and does not have enough water or fluid essential for the cells and organs in your body to function normally. Just as we become physically thirsty, we can also experience spiritual dehydration. In the case of the psalmist David, he was not physically thirsty; he was spiritually thirsty, and therefore, he called on God, for he knew that only God could fill that spiritual void. His soul thirsts for God, the living water that flows from the fountain of life that never runs dry. David searches for God in a dry and barren land, a place where only God satisfies. If you are experiencing a spiritual thirst, drink from the foundation of life, the well of water springing up into everlasting life. Jesus Christ is the water of life, the living wa...

Warning before Destruction

Scripture reading: 1 Samuels 2 Worship song: Search My Heart Meditation: Eli was ordained as the priest to handle the affairs of the church and matters concerning God. However, he had some weaknesses, for he lacks the ability to reprimand his sons; he failed to govern his household and bring them up to fear the Lord. We are reminded in 1 Timothy 3:4-5 that those who are chosen to lead God’s people should be persons that ruled well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. If he fails to rule his own house, he won't be able to monitor the church of God. Don't be alarmed about what is taking place in the churches of God today, for so it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. The sons of Eli manipulate the women in the church, use them, and seduce them. The same trend continues today. Therefore, let us be mindful of our deeds, confess our faults, and turn to God less we be consumed by His wrath. Let us not provoke the Lord our God, for He is a co...

The Key to Deliverance and Breakthrough

Scripture reading: Acts 16:16-36 Worship song: Falling On My Knees Meditation: Deliverance and breakthroughs begin with how we respond to hard times and difficult situations. It is not enough to thank God and honour Him only when we receive blessings, but in every situation. In difficulty, our praise determines the vastness of our deliverance and breakthrough. Praise is more than chapping our hands; it is praising God wholeheartedly with our heart, mind, spirit, and body. Paul and Silas did not wait until they received a breakthrough to praise and glorify God. While in prison, bound by chains, they prayed earnestly to God, and then they praised Him by singing, rejoicing, and giving thanks. While they were worshipping, God shook the foundations of the prison; the chains became loose, and the prison doors opened miraculously, setting them free. Almighty God has not changed, nor has his power diminished. He can do the same for us today. He will shake the foundation of our prison. He can c...

Bound by Shackles

Scripture reading: St. Mark 5:1-20 Praise song: Shackles Are Broken Meditation:      Several years ago, I was summoned by the Court Administration Division (CAD) to serve as a juror. There is nothing to me quite as frightening as seeing prisoners entering the courtroom chained together with shackles on their hands and feet. I knew right then that I would not fulfill the task of serving in this capacity, so I presented my petition to the judge and was excused from serving. Witnessing the state of imprisonment led me to wonder about the shackles that bind us spiritually. I thought of the things we allow to captivate our minds and prevent us from enjoying the freedom and blessings of Almighty God. As you carry out your survey, what is it that you are bound by? Maybe you are shackled by broken dreams, unmet desires, or wrong choices, or maybe it is the emotional shackles that continue to constrict and weigh you down. Maybe you are shackled by sin, by the pressures of life...

Consumed By Pride

Scripture reading: 2 Kings 5 Worship song: I will wait Meditation: Naaman, commander of the army of King Aram of Syria, a well-known mighty man of valour became sick with leprosy and desire to be healed. When news came to him about the prophet with the gift of healing, he hastily went to Israel. Naaman became angry when prophet Elisha requested that he dip in the Jordan River to receive his healing. His outburst prompted his servants to reasoned with him and encouraged him to follow the advice of the prophet. Naaman then reluctantly obeyed and dipped himself seven times in the river and came out completely healed. Naaman's pride and stubbornness to follow the prophet's simple instruction almost caused him to lose his healing deliverance. Being too proud and stubborn can also cause us to lose the blessings God has in store for us. We, too, should obey the Word of God, even when God’s way does not make sense to us. Our breakthrough comes when we believe and trust God. Without bel...

Storing up Treasure

Scripture reading: St. Luke 12:16-21 Worship song: Jesus, my treasure Meditation: The parable of the rich man is a very intriguing story, one that we should give close and thoughtful attention to every detail. The rich man lived a luxurious life, had more than he could manage, and planned to build new barns to store his earthly treasures to sustain him for many years. His plan was to live a comfortable life, cherish his possessions, and enjoy the fruits of his labour. He was not concerned about his life because he had all he needed to maintain his lifestyle. He was not concerned about the well-being of his soul either, for his heart was focused on his earthly treasures. Like many these days, the get-rich-quick mentality has driven them far from God. We find many today flaunting their wealth, but be not deceived because earthly gain cannot secure you a place in God's kingdom. Solomon had more wealth than any man ever had, yet he confessed that all was just vanity and vexation of spi...

Stay In The Ship

 Scripture reading: St. Mark 4:35-41 Hymn: Will Your Anchor Hold Meditation: It is said that man's extremity is God's opportunity, but how many of us, when we encounter disaster, remain calm, relaxed, steadfast, and humble? Like the disciples, many of us forget the God we serve when we are faced with a crisis. We become so fearful that we forget the power of God and forget that He is in control. Our first reaction is to worry and fret. The disciples went with Jesus on countless mission trips, travelling from place to place, and had first-hand encounters. They have seen the miracles he performed and witnessed his powers. They have seen his capabilities, but on this particular day, while they were traveling via sea, they were gripped by fear. Thinking that the raging storm was boisterous enough to sink their ship, they became so fearful that they immediately woke the master from his sleep. The power of fear can drive a wedge in us that causes us to doubt the power of God. So when...

Get It Right

Scripture reading: St. Mark 5:17- 48 Worship song: Make It Right  Meditation: Have you heard the saying that 'Things and time change and what applies, and works for pass generation does not work for today's generation? Even if there is any truth to that saying, the Word of God remains the same, it never changes, and His law remains the same. The Constitution of Jamaica or any other country can be amended, and an amendment can be repealed, but the Bible can neither be amended nor repealed; its truth is permanent and everlasting. Note vs. 18, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. This is a clear indication that God's law remains the same and all generation are expected to abide by and obey the word of God. The scripture says for us to enter Heaven our righteousness should exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees. The Scribes and Pharisees appeared righteous to men, but inwardly they were filled with iniqui...

Forgiving Oneself

Scripture reading: St. Mark 2:1-12 Mediation song: Please Forgive me  Meditation: Oftentimes, the hardest thing for us to do is forgive ourselves for something we have done wrong or a mistake we have made. Instead of freeing our minds by forgiving ourselves and moving on, we dwell on the mistakes we made. We chastise ourselves because we feel we should know better or should have known better. We are more likely to forgive others easier than forgive ourselves. We cannot revoke what is already done, but we can terminate the burden of guilt through confession and forgiveness. It is ok to take accountability for what we have done wrong. It is time we stop beating ourselves up because we make regrettable mistakes. We can be delivered and set free from the power of darkness, the power of our sins, and our mistakes by Jesus Christ, in whom we have redemption through His blood. May I encourage you to move gracefully toward your higher calling? Your destiny does not stop at your mistakes. T...

Longing for a Fresh Start

Scripture reading: Isaiah 43:18-19   Praise song: New Wine Meditation: We have all made mistakes and bad decisions in life, but will we allow it to stop us from enjoying and fulfilling our future purposes? Some people aren’t able to go into the future because they can’t let go of the past. What is in your past that is keeping you from God’s future for you? Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us to forget the former things and do not consider the old things for new things shall spring forth. May I encourage you today to kickstart your day with a positive mindset? Let go of the past, release your heart and mind of the spiritual junk you have fed it with, and  Stop making excuses.  Take inventory of your life.  Act in faith.  Refocus and  Trust God  Let us pray:  Mighty God, as we take inventory of our lives this day, we, Lord, ask that you pull down, rip, tear, trample, or cast down every stronghold that binds forces to destroy the plans you have for our fut...

Bound by Chains

Scripture reading: Acts 12:1-17 Worship song: Break Every Chain Meditation: A chain is something that is used to confine, secure, or restrain objects or persons to prevent free movement. It is also defined as a series of metal links or rings joined together that are used for different purposes. As we read in Acts chapter 12, Peter was kept in prison, bound by chains with two security guards, one on his left and the other on his right. Soldiers guard the door to prevent his escape. He was restrained and held under maximum security, but beyond the prison bar lies the chain breaker. The church remains fervent, praying earnestly to Almighty God for Peter's freedom from an unjust system. Their constant praying for Peter did not go unnoticed as Almighty God heard the fervent, sincere prayer of the intercessors and favoured their request. At a time when they least expected it, God broke the chains that bound Peter and set him free. Are you chained by the shackles of your sin? Are you kept...