
Showing posts from November, 2024


Prone to Make Mistakes

Good morning Scripture reading: Romans 7 Hymn: Come Thou Fount   Meditation:      While we traverse this earth, we are prone to do what is displeasing in the sight of God, though sometimes not intentionally or with any awareness. We do the right things at times, but other times, we fail and fall short. We sin and we make mistakes. We are easily angered and sometimes display boisterous behavior. We are reminded in Ephesians 4:26 that we can be angry, but we should not sin, not let the sun go down on our anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Paul, in the book of Romans, also admitted that he didn’t always do the right thing. While desiring to do what was right, he found himself doing what was wrong instead. He sensed a war being waged inside his mind, but these struggles helped him realize why he needed to turn to God. In the battles that rage inside us, we experience victory as we surrender our lives to Jesus and make Him our Lord. If we make mistakes...

Wait for The Overflow

Good morning Scripture reading: St. Luke 5:1-9 Praise song: All Night Meditation:      When Jesus asked Simon to launch out into the deep and let down his net for a draught, he responded that he had toiled all night and caught nothing. Nonetheless, he obediently launched his net and caught a great shoal of fish that his net began to break. Simon could have declined Jesus's request, but instead, he obeyed Him and witnessed a miraculous move of God. Stunned by the unexpected result of his obedience when he carried out the instruction given to him by Jesus, Simon knelt before Jesus and prayed. Maybe you are echoing the same words as Simon that you have toiled all your life and things remain the same. God is telling you to try again. The possibility is that you have been asked to change your position, move, or relocate, but because of fear and doubt, you remain in your comfort zone. Maybe it is time you heed God's command and move away from the position on the dock wh...

Specific Instructions

Good morning Scripture: Genesis 3 Praise song: Order My Steps   Meditation:      At the beginning of creation, God made Adam and Eve and gave them dominion power over all creatures. He gave them free will to make decisions and choose, and he gave them specific instructions not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they dishonored the covenant of God. Because of their disobedience, sorrow, and hardship were multiplied unto man. They made a bad choice and suffered the consequences thereof. As earthly inhabitants, we have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances of God, and broken His everlasting covenant. We are given free will to choose, but because of the hardness of our hearts, we choose to meddle in evil instead of good. What choice have you made that is not in alignment with the will of God? Have you broken God's covenant to satisfy your selfish desires? God is still waiting and pleading f...

Does He Love Me

Good morning Scripture: Romans 5:6-11 Worship song: You still love me   Meditation:      The hardest thing you might face when you make mistakes or bad choices is rejection. People may reject, avoid, or even turn their backs on you because of your constant display of imperfection, mistakes, and bad choices. You may feel dispirited because you are treated with disdain by persons who consider themselves righteous and holy. Feeling rejected and cast down by a brother or sister may cause you to ask, Can God still love me? Yes, He loves you. The truth is that God still loves us regardless of what we have done. God knows every mistake and bad choice we would make even before we were conceived in our mother's womb, yet He still loves us. He still loves us no matter how many sins we have committed. The fact is, He knows every sin we commit, and that is why He sent Jesus Christ to die for us, so we can be free from the shackles of sin. God hates sin but loves the si...

Intercept The Mission

Good morning Scripture reading: Exodus 1 Praise song: Victory belongs to Jesus   Meditation:      The enemy is always on a mission to slaughter God's children with a destructive plan to prevent them from executing their God-given purpose. Pharaoh's plan to assassinate all the newborn male children born in the family of the Hebrews was intercepted by the midwives. They decided to disobey the king's command, not because they did not esteem him, but because there was one greater than Pharaoh whom they feared. There are still some Pharaohs walking among us whose assignment is to eliminate and defeat the purpose of the chosen, but what they don't know is that God, the all-powerful, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God of creation, never allows the enemy to triumph over his people. Pharaoh thought he could accomplish his mission by commanding that all male children be thrown in the river, but look at what God did. Moses was taken from the river by the daughter...

Dining With The King

Good morning Scripture: St. John 21: 1-13 Praise song: What a Lovely Name   Meditation:      The story of Jesus inviting the disciples to come and dine reminded me of times as kids when we would be outside playing, and Mother would interrupt our fun time by calling us to come inside, and dinner was ready. While the disciples were busy fishing, Jesus was preparing roast fish and bread for breakfast. The disciples were invited by Jesus to come and dine with Him shortly after he had suggested that they cast their net on the other side. To come and dine with the master implies that it was an invitation to sit at the same table, sharing the same meal. Come and dine is a time to fellowship with Jesus. Today, there is an open invitation for you to come and dine with Jesus Christ at the table where the saints of God are fed. If you have labored all your life and all that you have reaped is failure, heartaches, and disappointments, it is time for you to seek Je...

Who Shall Stand?

Good morning  Scripture reading: Psalm 24 Praise song: Purify My Heart   Meditation:      The question is asked, who shall stand in the holy place of God? Only those with clean hands and pure hearts. Those with a pure heart and clean hands are the people who do not sow discord among brethren; neither have they stained their hands with their brother's blood or meddled in iniquities. They are those who walk righteously and speak uprightly. They despised the gain of oppression and shut their eyes from seeing evil. They are those who show mercy because they love mercy. The pure in heart are those with inner moral holiness. They are those who forgive those who trespassed against them. The things that we harbor in our hearts, that we refuse to let go and let God, can hinder us from entering the holy place prepared for the holy and righteous.       Matt. 5 verse 8 reminds us, the pure in heart shall see God. Let us, therefore, seek to live...

Whosoever Diggeth a Pit

Good morning Scripture reading: Esther Chapters 3-7 Praise song: Wonderful Merciful Saviour Meditation:      The Book of Esther is a fascinating story relating to the plot and scheme of Haman to hang Mordecai and assassinate all the Jews. Haman's anger was kindled against Mordecai because he refused to bow in reverence to him. Haman convinced King Ahasuerus to sign a decree that would permit him to execute all the Jews in all the provinces of the King, both young and old. After much persuasion, Haman's request was granted, signed, and sealed with the king's ring. Little did Haman know that God was looking out for those who feared Him and would not allow His people to fall victim to their adversary. Esther was appointed at a time such as this to expose the deeds of Haman. Haman was hanged on the gallows that he built for Mordecai. This intriguing encounter reminds me of the old Jamaican proverb, spoken mostly by the older folks, advising us that when digging a hole, ...

The Processions

Good morning Scripture reading: St. Luke 7:11-17 Worship song: I Will Serve Thee Meditation:      Grieving the loss of a loved one can be one of the most painful experiences you will ever have to endure. Having to lay a loved one to rest, especially someone young, vibrant, kind, loving, trustworthy, and adorable, can leave you shattered and devastated. One can only imagine the emotional impact and the sorrow that the widow endured, losing not just a husband but her only son. The procession was no doubt a very mournful one as the widow bemoaned her only son while trying desperately to cope with the heart-rending impact that accompanies a fatal tragedy. She had many supporters traveling with her on her gloomy, heartrending mission. Her mourning must have been thundering, for it caught the attention of Jesus, who came into the town of Nain with his followers just as the procession was heading to the burial site. Jesus felt a flood of compassion for the grieving widow an...

Redeemed From Sin

Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:2-7 Worship song: Redeemed   Meditation:       The Heavenly Father's unlimited love for mankind extends beyond what we can even think or imagine. Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom and love for us, considered it necessary for mankind to be redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb of God who had no iniquity, corruption, or sin. The blood of Jesus Christ is more precious than silver and gold and has the power to redeem and cleanse us from all our sins and liberate us from Satan's bondage. Those who accept Jesus Christ are redeemed by His blood, their transgression forgiven, and their sins covered. As sinners, we are condemned to die, but those who are in Jesus Christ will escape the punishment and the wrath of God. The redeeming blood of Jesus Christ saves, sanctifies, purifies, cleanses, satisfies, and sets us free. His grace and mercies are extended to the vilest of sinners who...

Outward Appearance

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Samuels 16:1-13 Praise song: O Lift Your Countenance   Meditation:      The English idiom 'Never Judge a Book by Its Cover' implies that one should not make a final judgment on anything based only on outward appearance. The story narrated in the above scripture gives a clear insight into what it means to judge by outer appearance. The prophet Samuel gazed upon seven of Jesse's sons and was satisfied with their masculinity and countenance, thinking they fit the profile of a king, but the Lord made it known to Samuel that the qualities He seeks are internal and not external. The Lord looks at the heart and not the outward physique. Following the Lord's command, Samuel sent for David, who was out in the field tending to the flock, anointed him with oil, and appointed him as the King of Israel. Look not upon another man's countenance because redeeming love has set apart the worst of mankind to be rewarded for the Saviour's...

Diverse Practices

Good morning Scripture reading: Leviticus 18: 22-30 Worship song: Sodom Gomorrah   Meditation:      While the average person would be minding their own business, one cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that LGBTQ is no longer a hidden affair. Society has become more open and accepting of these sexually diverse groups, and now more than ever, it has become a normal way of living. We are advised to love, appreciate, accommodate, and welcome them in our homes, schools, jobs, and even in our congregation. We are called upon to accept and treat them with the utmost respect and regard their lifestyle as significant regardless of their sexual orientation. But how do you accept a lifestyle that is against your religious belief, one that stands against the principles and precepts of Almighty God?       As believers, we cannot and should not accept any behavior or principle that does not align with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the word of God...

Peradventure We Have Sinned

Good morning S cripture reading: Job 1:4-5 Worship song: Talking to Jesus   Meditation:      Job was an upstanding citizen in the land of Uz, perfect and just in the sight of God and man. He had a wonderful relationship with God and was respected by members of his community. Judging from his character and lifestyle, he was the perfect role model for parents and children, especially fathers. Job's concern for the well-being of his children and their relationship with God led him to pray for them without ceasing. After the festive celebration hosted by his sons, Job called all his children and sanctified them. He also ensured that he offered unto the Lord sacrifices of burnt offerings for each child just in case they had sinned against God. Job made it a point of his duty to go boldly unto the throne of grace early in the morning that he may obtain mercy for all his children. Like Job, we too need to intercede for our children, lest they be consumed by the ev...

Power of His Resurrection

Good morning Scripture reading: St. John 11:1-44 Worship song: Resurrecting   Meditation:      The account of Lazarus's death, burial, and resurrection written in the scripture above is only a synopsis of the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ. Family and friends gathered on the day of Lazarus's burial to mourn his departure and pay their last respects. They watched as his body was laid to rest. What they thought was their final farewell was later canceled. On the fourth day, the resurrecting King arrived at the place where Lazarus was laid. They stood in awe as Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave. Jesus performed this miracle to prove to the nonbelievers that he is powerful, and all things are possible through Him. You might be weeping over some dead situations now, but they can live again. Whatever you are struggling to keep alive, it can live again through the power of Jesus Christ. He that believes in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. The res...

A Mighty Long Way

Good morning When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2 Worship song: Look Where He Brought Me From   Testimony      What a blessing to rest in the arms of Jesus, to be safe from all harm. Just to know that he has saved me and, with his mercies, forgave me. Only a look at Jesus can turn you away from sin, protect you from the raging wind, and bring you salvation and eternal life. I was just like you, a weary traveler wandering down a road rough and dusty with the disdain of my ungodliness. I was searching for what the world could not offer. I was lost, I was condemned, running out of time, but the Lord broke my chains, rescued my soul from the dark domain, gave me his peace, and now I am rejoicing. Satan had me blinded to the things of the Lord, chasing after vanity and eart...

Guilty as Charged

Good morning - Day of prayer For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 Worship: Jesus, He Rescued Me Let us pray:    Father, O Holy Father, broken with heart heavy laden, I come before you, confessing that we have sinned against you blatantly, mighty God. Lord, we have altered and destroyed what you have labored to create. Father, we have killed the innocent children, the unborn, the young, and the vulnerable. We are so consumed by hatred, greed, and pride that we have become murderers; the blood of many has paved the ground. We have disfigured our bodies to appease our selfish desires, thinking we are enhancing our appearance. We have circumcised our bodies to satisfy our erotic desires, changing our gender to please ourselves. Almighty God, we have altered your word to suit our lifestyle, ignoring your commands and refusing to live by your precepts.     Father, we have rejected your only son, who died to redeem us, turned our ba...

Every Sinner Need a Redeemer

Good morning Scripture reading: Job 19:25-27 Worship song: My Redeemer Lives   Meditation:      According to the dictionary, a sinner is a person who has transgressed against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts. And a redeemer is someone entrusted with securing one's release from oppression, harm, evil, enslavement, or some other binding obligation. Every sinner is held captive, bound, and oppressed by their sinful, self-righteous nature, enslaved by their infirmities and blinded by the glamour and glitter of this world. Sin is enticing and sweet, but do not be deceived because there is a penalty, and a punishment rewarded for every immoral act against God's law. No sin goes unpunished. Every sinner is traveling on the path that leads to doom, and the only way to divert is to seek direction from our Redeemer. Jesus Christ is our redeemer, a strong tower who pleads every sinner's cause. He is the only one qualified to emancipate us from Satan's b...

Is There Room For One?

Good morning Scripture reading: St. Luke 2:1-7 Worship song: Make room   Meditation:      At the appointed time of tax payment, Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, but while in the city, the days for Mary to give birth were accomplished. They sought a room in an inn, but there was no vacancy available for her to deliver her child. Disappointed, they walked away and went to the only place available to accommodate them. The manager, though not appropriate for such an occasion, was their last resort. Imagine lying in a manger, among animals, not humans, on hay, not on a comfortable bed with blankets, in an animal feeding trough, not in a crib, listening to the sounds of animals, not the cries of familiar voices while giving birth. It is beyond our imagination. The fact, though, is that Jesus did not come to rest in the comfort of a crib. He came to take up residence in our hearts.       He came to occupy rooms in the hearts of the humble, th...

Removing the junk

Good morning Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9:1-3 Worship song: Change My Heart Oh God   Meditation:      Cleaning is maybe one of the hardest and longest tasks to accomplish which can sometimes be frustrating. As the festive season draws near many people spend days renovating, decorating, cleaning, and sorting through piles of junk to make adequate space available for new items. It is during this period that most people take the time to do a complete inventory of everything they possess and determine what to keep and or discard. It is amazing to see the amount of junk that quickly accumulated in closets, garages, attics, and basements from one year to the next. Still, these are not the only areas where junk is accumulated. Often our minds and our hearts become crowded with junk. Regularly, we need to ask God what needs to be discarded from our lives.       We should engage in frequent maintenance checks and evaluations necessary to counter...

Drink From the Fountain Freely

Good morning Scripture Reading: St. John 19: 28 - 30 Worship Song: Fill My Cup, Lord   Meditation:      Jesus, tired from his journey, went and sat by a well in Sychar, Samaria. Shortly after, a Samaritan woman arrived at the well to draw water. Jesus conversed with her and administered to her soul, offering her living water that she would never thirst again. Jesus came to quench not the physical but the spiritual thirst. Jesus came into the world to accomplish a mandate. He completed his mission to teach, educate, and minister healing and deliverance to a dying world. The final hour of his life was the critical aspect of his ultimate goal. He endured persecution, torture, and rejection for our redemption so He could offer us living water, but to satisfy this thirst, Jesus had to die. Jesus lamented in anguish, for the severity of his punishment was intolerable, yet he endured it to the end. His strength was dried up like a potsherd, and his tongue cleaved ...

The Little Fox That Spoils the Grape

Good morning Scripture Reading: Romans 6:19-23 Worship Song: How Deep the Fathers Love.   Meditation:      Dust covered the once well-polished furniture, making it difficult to identify its original color and beauty. So, it is the sins we ignore that slowly germinate in us, making it difficult to recognize the beauty of God's masterpiece. We refer to the little sins as minor and insignificant, but they are powerful and dangerous enough to disrupt our spiritual growth. These are the sins that take root deep in our unguarded hearts, which, if not detected, give way for deception to emerge and darken our spiritual vision. When a fleshly desire is conceived in the heart, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is compiled, it destroys our faith and our relationship with Jesus Christ.     When the little sins are accumulated, they find their way into our hearts, where they take root and then spread like a green bay tree. Don't you know that little sin...

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Good morning Scripture reading: St. Matt. 6:24-34 Hymn: Seek ye first   Meditation:      There is a get-rich-quick mentality sweeping across the nation. Even pastors and ministers have diverted from the gospel to preach prosperity sermons. Instead of ministering to the congregation about salvation, the significance of repentance, the penalty of sin, and the reward of a soul that is sold out for Christ, they are preaching about riches. The most important thing in life is not about how to get rich but to know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with Him. Too many people spend their lives trying to get rich. They lose their health to get wealth, then they spend their wealth to get back their health. Don’t let money be your sole pursuit. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you. When the Lord asked King Solomon what he wanted, he could have said riches, but instead, he asked for wisdom to lead the people.  ...

Sheep Among Wolves

Good morning Scripture reading: St. Matt.10:16 Worship song: Lamb of God   Meditation:      According to wildlife biologists, wolves are highly territorial animals and generally establish territories far larger than they require to survive. They hunt and travel in packs and have remarkable powers of endurance. They are known to follow their target all day and night, if necessary, whereas sheep are prey animals and are largely defenseless against predators, naturally nervous, and easily frightened. Due to their nature, they flock together for safety. Sheep are humble, domesticated animals and are considered to be the most intelligent among all animals. Satan and his cohorts operate in the same manner as wolves. They lurk around day and night, trying desperately to persuade, trap, and lead us down the path of destruction.       Do not marvel but be vigilant and cautious because Satan and his ministers can transform themselves as angels of ...

The Greatest of Them All

Good morning Scripture reading: St.   Matthew 22:34-40 Worship song: Give Me A Heart Like Thine   Meditation:      While Jesus was teaching the multiple, a mischievous pharisee decided to tempt him by asking which commandment was the greatest. Jesus responded by telling him the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all thine heart, mind, and soul, and secondly, to love his neighbor as himself. Jesus also added that these two took priority over all other commandments, and all the laws and prophets relied on these two vital commandments. As created beings, we are expected to love the God who created us more than anything else, and our love must be extended to our fellow men. For if we say we love God and hate our brothers and sister, those whom we rub shoulders with, then it means we lie, and the love of God is not perfected in us. There is no way we can truly love God yet hate those whom we see daily. We are commanded by Jesus to l...

The Unknown Hour

Good morning Scripture reading: St. John 10:10 Worship song: Come, Now Is the Time to Worship   Meditation:      Do you know what will happen in the next minute, hour, day, week, etc., and do you know your fate? What will befall you? If you knew at what time the thief came, wouldn't you watch and protect your possessions against theft? If you know tomorrow will be your last day, would you not spend today at your best, trying to do all that you wanted to accomplish and trying to make up for lost time? Do not procrastinate; live each privilege day as if it is your last. No one is promised tomorrow; therefore, be ready for in such an hour when you think not the Son of Man will come. Do not be like those who doubt the Lord will return, saying they heard that when they were young and now they are old and he is still not here. Be ready because you never know when the bridge groom will come and find you without sufficient oil for the journey. More so, you do not k...

Hope of Salvation

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:3-13 Worship song: There is Hope in the Lord   Meditation:      There are times when we experience hardship, ongoing failures, disappointments, discouragements, bitter woes, declining health, shattered dreams, tragedies, and broken promises. Most if not all of us have had moments when we feel completely hopeless, just going through the motions, merely existing. But where do you find hope when all around us seems hopeless? Where do you seek hope when you feel as though you have lost it all? Where do you find hope in the face of uncertainty? Who do we run to when we encounter the pressures of life? Who do we turn to when all earthly hopes are fading? We run to the rock that is higher than us and seek refuge in the God of hope. We take our issues to the God of comfort, who can fill us with joy and peace so that we may abound in all hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. We cast our burden upon the Lord who can susta...

Burning Your Bridges

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 3:7-14 Worship song: If I Got Jesus   Meditation:      Whenever you are moving from one situation to a new one that you think is better than the previous one, people will tell you not to burn your bridges behind you. 'Do not burn your bridges behind you' is an idiom that means to make a decision that is irrevocable and eliminates any possibility of retreating or returning for favor. You would be told not to act in a manner that will cause irreparable harm to your previous relationships or connections, as you may need them later in life. The truth is, there are some relationships and connections that you need to sever, especially the ones not aligned with God's will. You need to burn the bridges that interfere with your relationship with God. Be not deceived, for some have not the knowledge of God, and if you turn away from such, they will corrupt you with their evil communications. It is perfectly feasible to burn...

Tested and Failed

Good morning Scripture Reading: James 1:12-17 Hymn: Yield Not to Temptation   Meditation:      We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that there is no temptation we experience, which is not common among humans. There is absolutely nothing we can do to avoid being tempted, and none of us is exempt from being beguiled. Satan is crafty and cunning, so much so that he thought he could beguile the Son of God. The only weapon Satan can use against us is temptation, and if you are caught in a situation that appeals to the flesh, you are capable of falling under temptation pressure, and so can I. It is not easy to resist it, but there is a wonderful promise that says that God is faithful and will not cause us to be tempted above that which we can endure. No doubt there will be times when we fail the test because we rely on our strength, because we become distracted, and because we ignore the warning signals. Whenever you are tempted, be reminded that you are not alone ...