
Showing posts from 2024


The Way That Seems Right

Good Morning Scripture reading: Proverbs 16:17 Worship song: Highway to Heaven   Meditation:      Many are not aware of the significance of the Bible, and some of those who do spend little or no time seeking guidance and direction from it. The Bible is our compass, and the Holy Spirit is our guide to lead us to the heavenly highway. This highway is called the way of holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, only the redeemed (Isaiah 35:8). The psalmist realized its value and penned these words: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I hid in my heart your word that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11, 105). He said, show me your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. Lead me down the path that leads to everlasting life (Psalm 25).       The highway to salvation is long; you will encounter many obstacles, trials, and tribulations along the w...

Living the Good Life

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Worship Song: God Who Move the Mountains   Meditation:      Most people spend their lives fulfilling the obligations and expectations of others, trying to please them in every possible way. But if we live our lives for the benefit of others, trying not to offend anyone, we are in for disappointment. One of the hardest tasks any person will ever encounter is trying to please everyone. We should seek to please Almighty God always because one day we will stand before him in judgment to give an account of our deeds. Do not live to fulfill the expectations of others, but live to please your master and creator, Jehovah God. Nothing compares to his everlasting, unconditional love.       When you live for Jehovah God, you are transformed into His likeness. The old things have passed away, and everything becomes new, and you will begin to experience peace and happiness deep within your soul. Whe...

The Accepted Time

Good morning Scripture reading: Genesis 50:14-21 Worship song: For the good   Meditation:      The all-too-familiar story of Joseph in the book of Genesis (chapters 37-50) recorded a brief history of his fate and how God worked in his favor. Joseph's brothers plan to eliminate him, but God has a greater plan. They meant to dethrone him from the position of leadership that he declared he would one day hold. They meant anything but well; in fact, they meant him evil. What they didn't know was that God would one day turn their evil scheme into something good for their benefit. The exact thing Joseph’s brothers had meant to cause him harm was the exact thing God used to promote him to his destiny. Joseph moved from a state of imprisonment to occupy the office of the governor in Egypt. He was given the authority to manage the affairs of the King of Egypt. As God has ordained it, during the time of famine, Joseph was able to assist his father and siblings with en...

Attitude of Gratitude

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 100 Worship song: Gratitude   Meditation: People tend to complain about everything that is not going according to their desires and plans. Those who are abundantly blessed are often the ones who spend time complaining and expressing their dissatisfaction. Yet some are struggling with hardship but show appreciation by giving thanks and rejoicing in their circumstance. Some complain and find fault with everything they receive, yet some wish they had even the crumbs that fell from your table. Throughout the scriptures, especially in the book of Psalms, we are reminded to give thanks with a grateful heart. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Consider what you have rather than what you lack. There is so much to be grateful for, yet some spend time showing their lack of appreciation.       You might not have a home, a car, wealth and good health, or riches untold, but yo...

The Danger of Rebellion

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 15:10-23 Worship song: Trust and Obey   Meditation:      A person who is described as rebellious is unwilling to obey rules or follow generally accepted standards of behavior. Saul found himself in that state when he disobeyed the Lord's instruction. He was a good ruler, but when he walked out of the will of God to pursue his own agenda, he failed. Samuel the prophet was sent to speak to Saul about his refusal to obey the voice of the Lord and his failure to carry out specific instructions. Samuel described rebellion against God as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry. Witchcraft and iniquities are works of the flesh, and they that do such will not inherit the kingdom of God. Saul rejected God, and God, in turn, rejected him as ruler over Israel.       Rebellion always results in division; whether a nation, a workplace, or a family, it will separate and divide relationsh...

Whom Shall I Fear

Season greetings Scripture reading:1 Samuel 19 Worship song: God Favoured Me   Meditation:      When David fought against the Philistine giant and defeated him, the Israelites rejoiced, favored him, and showed their appreciation by singing and rejoicing. This angered Saul, and therefore he hated David. When Saul realized that he was about to be dethroned and that his successor was David, he tried desperately to get rid of him. Saul pursued David for several years to eliminate him, but everywhere David went, the Lord provided protection. David lived as a fugitive, trying to keep safe as he fled Saul's murderous pursuit. Saul sent his lieutenants in search of David, but David eluded them and escaped for his life.       By reading the scriptures we will get a better understanding of how God protects those who depend on him for protection. Many will rise up against you, but do not be dismayed, for the Lord is your shield and protector. The s...

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Season greetings S cripture reading: Isaiah 53 Worship song: Emmanuel   Meditation:       Bible Scholars and historians are still trying to determine the date of Jesus's birth. It has been a point of debate for centuries. Though His time of birth was not recorded in any of the four gospels, some scholars believe he was born in August. There are speculations from other scholars who surmise Jesus' birth took place in May. Others theorize Jesus was born in June, while others believe the date is in April. There might not be a recorded date of his birth, but we do know he was born, he was crucified, and he was resurrected. We know Jesus came to save and to call sinners to repentance. His blood was shed for the remission of our sins so we can have life and have it more abundantly.       We do know Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light; no one can come to the Father except through Him. He is our waymaker, our healer, our provider, and...

A State of Contentment

Season greetings Scripture reading: Job 1:13-22 Worship song: Give Me Jesus   Meditation:      What would you do, and how would you cope if you lost all your earthly possessions and all that you have accomplished in one day? Not many people can testify that they have experienced such a heartrending and grievous loss as Job. The thought of losing all you have ever accomplished, all your life savings, earthly possessions, and everything you hold dear is frightening. When Job found out he lost everything he owned, he tore his garment as a sign of grief, shaved his head, and worshipped God.        The fact that Job did not blame or curse God but instead bowed down and worshipped him speaks highly of his faith, trust, love, and the relationship he had with God. Job knew that in this world he would encounter hardship, trials, and tribulations. He was not mentally prepared to deal with his loss, but spiritually he was because he remained steadf...

The Feeling of Loneliness

Good morning Scripture reading: Isaiah 41:9-10 Worship song: I am not alone   Meditation:      There are several different definitions describing loneliness, but it is said that loneliness is a state of mind. It causes people to feel empty, forsaken, and unwanted. One of the frequently used definitions that most persons can attest to is the state of mind linked to wanting human contact but feeling alone. Have you ever wondered why you are in a room with all your friends or family, etc., and still feel lonely? It is because there is a void that mere humans cannot fill. All of us, at some point in our lives, struggle to cope with the feeling of solitude. There is a feeling of loneliness that spouses, loved ones, families, or friends cannot replenish. We can have everything for our comfort and still feel lonely. There is an inner feeling of loneliness that will not go away by gaining riches, fame, or fortune, or accumulating earthly possessions. Many have tried ...

Emergency Connection

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 18:16-19 Worship song: Rescued Me   Meditation:      During a crisis that escalates out of control, your first thought is to call for help. You can call an emergency response service to dispatch trained professionals to assist and resolve any challenges you cannot handle effectively. However, not all cases end with a successful outcome, no matter how alert, educated, swift, committed, and dedicated they are to resolving problems. Some things are just out of their control and need God's intervention. Nothing, no matter how simple it looks, can be attained unless God is a part of it. The best medical care from doctors, no matter how medically equipped, cannot guarantee your well-being or survival if God does not intervene. It takes divine intervention beyond medical science.       The afflictions of the righteous are many, but we can rely only on God to deliver us out of them all. Many wanderers are go...

Confronting Your Fears

Good morning Scripture reading: Psalm 42:5-6 Worship song: As the Deer   Meditation:      The dictionary defines defeated as having been beaten in a battle or other contest. Defeated is how many of us feel when we are overwhelmed by the challenges and disappointments we encounter. The moment we wake, we are bombarded with countless thoughts, and if we are not careful, we can let our negative thoughts control our minds. The psalmist, knowing his mind was corroded with unhealthy thoughts, confronted his own feelings of despair and despondency. He began to speak to his cast-down soul to hope in God and praise him for his unmerited grace and favor. He recognized that only God could help change his countenance.       There are going to be days when you feel defeated, feel as though all hope is lost, and you cannot endure the difficult moments. You are going to feel far from God as if you have failed Him, but be of good cheer and do not be disco...

The Thief of opportunities

Good morning Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:3-7 Worship song: I Have Decided   Meditation:      Making decisions is most likely the hardest thing to do. Most times we hesitate or ignore making decisions, which in turn causes us to lose out on valuable opportunities. When confronted with choices, everyone faces decision phobia at times. Farmers will hesitate to sow because their eyes are focused on the clouds. People may hesitate to move forward because of the fear of loss, making wrong choices, as well as the fear of failure. He who observed the wind will not sow, and he who is fearful cannot make the right decisions. Do not allow indecision to control your life and rob you of opportunities, happiness, and growth.       Whatever opportunities are available, review your options and select the best choice possible. However, there is one decision that should not be hampered by fear or influenced by negativity, and that is the decision to follow...

Clothed in Earthly Apparel

Good morning Scripture: Hosea 2:1-13 Praise song: Kill My Flesh   Meditation:      Are you among those whose lifestyle choices have caused you to drift away from your first love, Jesus Christ? The prophecy of Hosea was a plea to the Israelites to turn from their unfaithfulness and return to God. Their sinful, lustful life has caused a separation between them and God. Though his prophecy was directed at the Israelites, it is still a valid request for all nations today, to turn from their selfish, egoistic desires and return to Jesus Christ, their first love. God is still pleading to all backsliding nations, kindreds, and people to turn from the earthly things we seek after, the things we find pleasure in doing, the things that occupied our minds, that kept us from seeking God wholeheartedly and sincerely.           God promises to strip naked, to take away everything we clutch onto dearly, and leave us dry as the wilderness if w...

Start With The Little

Good morning Scripture reading: Acts 18: 22-28 Hymn: The Comforter Has Come   Meditation:      Apollos was an evangelist and an eloquent speaker, fervent in spirit, who spoke highly of the Lord. He taught boldly in the synagogue at Ephesus about the baptism of John. However, at that time, Apollos was not acquainted with the teachings of Jesus Christ. When Aquila and Priscilla heard his teaching, they took him and clearly explained to him the way of the Lord. Apollos gladly shared the knowledge he gained and was able to convince the Jews through the scriptures that Jesus was Christ. You can start spreading the word by sharing the little you know about Jesus Christ and the gospel. He will send messengers to expound to you more clearly the word of God through the help of the Holy Spirit. There are souls to save, and many are dying without Christ. Every soul is important. Do not keep the word of God to yourself; share it and bless others. Let us pray. ...

Bridge the Gap

Good morning Scripture reading: Ephesians 2:13-22 Worship song: Gracefully Broken   Meditation:      History recorded that the construction of the Great Wall began between the 7th and 8th centuries B.C., and it took more than 1000 years of hard labor to complete. The Great Wall emerged as the most common emblem of China, erected over centuries by China’s emperors when the warring states built defensive walls to prevent incursions and invaders with the intent that it would ward off enemies from the north and protect their territory. All of us, at some point in our lives, put up defensive walls intended to keep intruders and invaders away, but most times, we trap them in rather than keep them out. Normally, defensive walls are erected after a broken heart and before the healing process is completed. The walls we erected don't protect us; they keep us locked in the prison we have created. We tried desperately to protect ourselves from being hurt by others but ...

Declaring His glory

Good morning Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3 Hymn: Does Jesus Cares? Testimony:      There is no secret what God can do; what He has done for others, He will do for you. I am living proof of what the mercies of God can do, and I have proven his love time and time again. It's nothing good that I have done that merits me the undiluted love of God, but my desire to live by His precepts and commands. There are times I felt as though God had abandoned me, especially during times when I was grappling with situations that baffled my mind, and wanted so badly to hear His voice or feel His presence or at least get some form of confirmation to reassure me I am acting according to His will and that the choices I am making are in His plan and desire for my life. Nevertheless, it is during these moments that I am reminded that God is in control and has not abandoned me because He gave me the assurance that I am not forsaken and I...

He Is Worthy - Prayer

Good morning Day of prayer Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 Hymn: My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness Let us pray:      Everlasting Father, this morning we make room for you and place you above everything else. Father, we place you at the highest place, for you are worthy to be praised. Lord, this morning we make room for you and place you above everything else. Only in your presence can we receive full joy and the peace of God that passes all understanding. Lord, we give you thanks for your unmerited favor, unconditional love, bountiful grace, and mercies. Father, our hearts are aching as we look around at the chaos, the evil demise, the increase in the murder rate of vulnerable and innocent children, the wickedness that is plaguing the lan...

Follow Me

Good morning Scripture reading: Luke 9:23-27 Worship song: Let Me Lose Myself   Meditation:      If we decide to be Jesus's disciples, to be his followers, we must commit ourselves to and be completely dedicated to following his teachings and his way of life. Denying oneself is essential in the life of every follower of Jesus Christ. We must decrease so God can take precedence over us. His will is first and foremost in every circumstance, especially when hardship and tribulations arise. Denying ourselves to follow Christ means we have to denounce our desires, the glamour, and the glitter of this world that entice us and pledge allegiance to Him. Denying oneself for Christ is to give up your wants to receive his. It means surrendering the natural man, your carnal ways, by crucifying your fleshly desires and bringing them under God's subjection. When we daily deny self and crucify the flesh, we grow stronger, our faith is strengthened, and we will become more...

Nothing Can Separate Us

Good morning Scripture reading: Isaiah 59:1-8 Worship song: Nothing Can Separate   Meditation:      The love of Christ is limitless; it does not come with any condition; therefore, it does not depend on our actions or character. There is nothing we can do to diminish or destroy his love for us, and nothing can separate us from his love. Apostle Paul in Romans 8 proclaims that no one can separate us from the love of Christ, not even tribulations, persecution, famine, death, angels, etc. Though it is not possible to change how much God loves us, we can cause God to turn his face away from us. God turned his face away not because he no longer loves us but because our hearts are corrupt and filled with evil deeds. Our sins and iniquities separate us from the Holy God because he does not tolerate sin. We become separated from God when our hands are defiled with the blood of the innocent, when our lips speak lies, when we meddle in mischief, when our feet run to ev...

Worship With a Grateful Heart

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 4:11-13 Worship song: Give Thanks   Meditation:      For several minutes I was speechless after watching a video of a girl aged seven with legs amputated. She was not concerned about her legs or about not being able to walk. She was not asking God why her, but instead she asked God to use her to minister to the lost and spread the gospel. Despite her state, she profoundly expressed her love and gratefulness to God. She is encouraging everyone to put God first in everything. At some point in our lifetime, we might encounter devastating and unexpected changes, but how we handle it depends on our faith and our relationship with God. Those who constantly murmur, complain, find fault, and blame God for their condition lack appreciation and gratitude. We reap abundant blessings when we express our gratitude to God with a sincere heart. If we truly do a survey, we will soon realize that some persons are in a worse positi...

Does God Have Your Heart?

Good morning Scripture reading: Matthew 15:1-10 Praise song: Give me a heart like thine   Meditation:      Where does your heart lie? Did you know that you can be doing everything for the Lord, yet your heart is far from Him? We can avail ourselves to serve in various ministries, ministering through songs, edifying, and delivering the message of salvation and hope to others while failing to surrender and commit our own hearts to God. We can do an excellent job at spreading the gospel and reaping a bountiful harvest for the Lord, yet we are not convicted because we have not surrendered our own hearts to God. Though we spend time telling others about God, we need to also spend time with God and focus on building a relationship with Him. When we aim at pleasing man rather than God, doing things to get praise from man rather than God, it is an indication that we have not given Him our hearts.       A heart that is not seeking after the thing...

The Water that Purifies

Good morning Scripture reading:  St. John 4:13-14 Worship song: Let Your Living Water   Meditation:      History cannot prove that there are persons who drink from the fountain of life and later regret it. Jesus Christ reveals himself as the fountain of living water. He is also the source of everlasting life. Christ is an ever-flowing fountain; he is continually supplying his people, and the fountain is not spent. Because of His great love and mercy, God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our fountain of the water of life and supplier of eternal life. Jesus promised to give everyone that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely, and out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. The rivers of living water symbolize the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised those who believe in him will receive. Those who loved and kept his commandments are sustained by the fresh supply of water coming from the fountainhead continually.   ...

The Donation Gift

Good morning Scripture reading: Matthew 26: 27-28 Worship song: O The Blood   Meditation:      Donating blood is a voluntary procedure that many persons willingly participate in to help save lives. The life of every creature is in the blood, so when blood is shed and drains from the body, it means life has ended. Blood is needed to sustain life. However, not everyone willing to donate blood can do so because of medical requirements and health conditions. Blood donors have to meet all necessary medical eligibility standards and be in good health to prevent the receiver from getting a bloodborne infection. Blood is essential in sustaining life and was used in many instances as a spiritual contact point with God for the remission of sin. The blood offering of an animal with no blemish, spot, or defects (not lame) was a sacrificial requirement in the Old Testament for the atonement of sin. But that requirement was changed through Jesus Christ, who was preordain...

Tell It Wherever You Go

Good morning Scripture reading: 1 Timothy 1:1-12 Worship song: Tell Somebody   Meditation:      Paul, an apostle and servant of Jesus, dedicated time to serving faithfully as a minister of the gospel. He often wrote letters to Timothy, encouraging him to keep the faith. He was grateful for the joy, peace, and mercies that he received from Jesus Christ. Though he went through many afflictions, he pressed on; he never lost his faith. He never allowed his circumstances to hinder him from serving God. He was grateful that God did not give him the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. He was proud to say that he was not called because of the work he did, but through the grace of God. Paul is not ashamed of what he went through because he knew the God whom he served. He served a God who never fails, a God who will never leave nor forsake him. In other words, God had his back. Paul was never afraid to die for Christ. When he was persecuted and hun...

The First Responders

Good morning Scripture reading: Luke 10:25-37 Worship song: I Will Say of The Lord   Meditation:      The story of the Good Samaritan demonstrates the responsibility of first responders. First responders are recognized as those who positively impact the lives of others by rendering assistance using their skills and emergency techniques. Their responsibility is to assess the situation, provide initial assistance to victims, and ensure safety for themselves and others. They are usually the first to arrive at an emergency scene. The good Samaritan, however, was not the first to arrive on the scene but the only one who responded to the wounded man by rendering aid. His love for the wounded was demonstrated through his compassion, care, and monetary contribution towards his medical treatment. We are ambassadors for Christ; therefore, we are first responders to the needs of others. We are to avail ourselves to pray, render assistance, and help the needy whenever ...

Seal The Crack

Good morning S cripture reading: Galatians 5:16-26 Song: Sin Doesn’t Live Here Anymore   Meditation:      The invasion of an unwelcome visit from a rodent captured my attention as it scampered across the floor, making its way toward the food pantry. After several unsuccessful attempts, we got rid of the rodent and then sealed the crack in the wall that it used as its entrance. This reminds me of the little sins we turned a blind eye to, allowing them to creep into our lives and invade our hearts and minds. Meddling in that which is forbidden feels right, but there are always consequences that follow. The sin that is attractive and sweet will eventually destroy us. The act of sin brings us great pleasure, but do not be deceived, for whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap. He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. In other words, the penalty for sin is dea...

Be Content

Good morning Scripture reading: Philippians 4:10-13 Worship song: Contentment   Meditation:      Contentment is an emotional state of satisfaction that suggests one is at ease mentally and finds serenity in the situation he or she currently faces despite the challenges. Paul’s letter, written while in prison, addresses the Philippians (his fellow laborers), informing them that he had learned to be content in his present state. Paul was sent to prison because he was preaching the gospel, yet he was content. Being content does not have anything to do with money, worldly possessions, or other people. It is finding inner peace and accepting ourselves and our circumstances. We can find contentment not in the things we possess but in Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. If we trust Jesus and live our lives to please Him, we will find inner peace. When we accept Jesus, our circumstances cannot rob us of contentment and inner joy. The secret of living a conte...

Please Come to My Rescue

Good morning S cripture reading: Mark 10: 46-52 Praise song: Pass Me Not   Meditation:      In the above-mentioned chapter, we learn about Blind Bartimaeus's story and how he sat by the wayside begging for alms so he could supply his needs. Maybe he had no other choice but to seek aid from passersby. Blind Bartimaeus was not content with being visually impaired. He must have heard about Jesus Christ, love, mercy, and compassion towards others and all the miracles that he had performed, for when he heard that Jesus Christ was passing, he shouted desperately, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. The crowd wanted him to keep silent, but he never stopped shouting until the Master heard his cry. Blind Bartimaeus desired to gain his sight, and through his faith, he was made whole. Immediately after he received his sight, he followed Jesus Christ. What is your plea this morning? Like Blind Bartimaeus, you can receive your breakthrough and deliveranc...